
从贫穷到富裕:中国共产党消除绝对贫困百年辉煌实践 被引量:8

From Poverty to Wealth:A Hundred Years of Brilliant Practice in Poverty Management by the CPC
摘要 中国共产党的百年奋斗史,就是一部消灭贫困的斗争史。建党100年以来,中国共产党把保障基本人权、促进人的全面发展和实现共同富裕作为反贫困的终极目标,从新民主主义革命时期的“革命凝聚型扶贫”到社会主义革命与建设时期的“恢复生产保障生存救济式扶贫”,从改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期的“有计划有组织大规模的区域扶贫综合开发”到党的十八大以来中国特色社会主义新时代的“精准扶贫”“脱贫攻坚”,中国已实现从普遍贫困到基本温饱到全面小康的历史性跨越。建党100年以来,在革命、建设、改革时期都始终坚持中国共产党的领导,不断发挥中国特色社会主义制度优势,着力推动反贫困制度体系创新,走中国特色减贫道路。中国减贫事业取得了伟大的历史性成就,困扰中华民族千百年来的绝对贫困问题得到了历史性解决,积累了丰富的中国经验,改变了世界贫困版图,为全球减贫事业作出卓越贡献。站在新的起点,要不断贯彻“三新”理念,持续巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,全面推动党中央重大决策乡村振兴战略落地落实;健全农村低收入人口常态化帮扶机制,加快补短板、强弱项,不断缩小差距、维护公平,使全体人民朝着共同富裕目标扎实迈进。 The century-long struggle of the Communist Party of China is a struggle to eradicate poverty.Since its founding 100 years ago,the CPC has taken the protection of basic human rights,the promotion of all-round human development and the realization of common prosperity as its ultimate goal of anti-poverty.From the“revolutionary cohesion poverty alleviation”during the new democratic revolution to the“restoration of production,subsistence guarantee and relief poverty alleviation”during the socialist revolution and construction period,from the“planned and organized large-scale regional poverty alleviation and comprehensive development”in the new era of reform,opening up and socialist modernization,to the“targeted poverty alleviation”and“poverty alleviation”in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics since the 18th CPC National Congress,China has made a historic stride from universal poverty to basic food and clothing guarantee to a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Since the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC,the Party has always adhered to the leadership of the CPC during the period of revolution,construction and reform,constantly brought into full play the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,vigorously promoted the innovation of anti-poverty systems,and followed the path of poverty reduction with Chinese characteristics.China has made great historic achievements in poverty reduction.The problem of absolute poverty,which had plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years,has been resolved in history.China has accumulated rich experience,changed the map of poverty in the world,and made remarkable contribution to the global poverty reduction cause.Standing at a new starting point,we must continue to implement the“three new”philosophy,consolidate our achievements in poverty alleviation,and fully implement the rural revitalization strategy—a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee.We will improve the mechanism for providing regular assistance to low-income rural people,accelerate efforts to strengthen the areas of weakness,narrow the gap,safeguard equity,and make solid progress toward the goal of common prosperity for all.
作者 白增博 BAI Zengbo
出处 《南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期41-55,138,共16页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目“脱贫地区持续发展的内生动力及政策研究”(72034007) 清华大学中国农村研究院博士论文奖学金项目“农村老年人多维贫困、动态演化与致贫因素研究”(202015) 国家留学基金委“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”(202006350205)。
关键词 建党百年 绝对贫困 脱贫攻坚 乡村振兴 共同富裕 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC Absolute Poverty Poverty Alleviation Rural Revitalization Common Prosperity
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