
放牧强度对草甸草原植物群落主要功能群碳氮磷贮量的影响 被引量:10

Effects of Grazing Intensity on the Carbon,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Storage of the Main Functional Groups of Meadow Steppe Plant Community
摘要 本试验以呼伦贝尔草甸草原中禾本科、杂类草和灌木这3种功能型植物为研究对象,开展放牧强度对不同功能型植物碳、氮、磷含量,化学计量特征以及贮量的影响研究。结果表明:禾本科有机碳含量在各放牧强度下均最高;氮磷含量杂类草最高;3种功能群的有机碳含量均在适度放牧时最高,过度放牧时降低;轻度放牧使得禾本科、灌木的碳氮比、碳磷比升高,重度放牧时降低;放牧使得杂类草的碳氮比、碳磷比、氮磷比以及禾本科和灌木的氮磷比线性降低;禾本科以及杂类草的碳、氮、磷贮量随着放牧强度的增加而降低。本研究表明:禾本科、杂类草和灌木在不同放牧强度下,均表现为受氮元素限制,如果想获得较大的碳、氮、磷贮量则需要控制放牧强度,放牧强度为0.34~0.46 cow.Au·hm^(-2)(其中Au表示以500 kg肉牛为一个标准家畜肉牛单位)较为适宜,适度放牧利于提高草地的利用效率,促进草地可持续发展。 Taking the three functional plants,gramineous,forbs and shrubs,in the Hulun Buir meadow grassland as the research object,the effect of different grazing intensities on the carbon,nitrogen,phosphorus nutrients,stoichiometric characteristics and storage of different functional plants was studied.The results showed that:the carbon content of gramineae was the highest for all grazing intensities,and the nitrogen and phosphorus content of forbs was the highest.The carbon content of the three functional groups was the highest in light grazing,and decreased in overgrazing.Light grazing increased the C/N and C/P of grasses and shrubs,and decreased when overgrazing;grazing reduced the C/N,C/P,N/P of forbs and also reduced the N/P of gramineous and shrubs.The carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus storage of gramineous grasses,and the carbon and phosphorus storage of forbs decreased significantly with the increase of grazing intensity.This study showed that under different grazing intensities,gramineous,forbs,and shrubs were all restricted by nitrogen under different grazing intensities,and in order to obtain larger carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus storage,it is necessary to control the grazing intensity.The appropriate grazing intensity was 0.34~0.46 cow.AU·hm^(-2)(Au takes 500 kg beef cattle as a standard livestock beef cattle unit).Suitable grazing is beneficial to improve the utilization efficiency of grassland and promote the sustainable development of grassland.
作者 王淼 张宇 张楚 陈思思 王旭 陈金强 李瑞强 曹娟 辛晓平 周忠义 闫瑞瑞 WANG Miao;ZHANG Yu;ZHANG Chu;CHEN Si-si;WANG Xu;CHEN Jin-qiang;LI Rui-qiang;CAO Juan;XIN Xiao-ping;ZHOU Zhong-yi;YAN Rui-rui(National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station of Hulunbuir Grassland Ecosystem in Inner Mongolia/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning/National Soil Quality Hulunbuir Observation and Experimental Station, Beijing 100081, China;Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Environmental Online Monitoring Centre, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010055, China;Career Development Center of Yakeshi Forestry and Grassland Bureau,Yakeshi,Inner Mongolia 022150,China)
出处 《草地学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期125-133,共9页 Acta Agrestia Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划(2017YFE0104500,2016YFC0500601) 国家自然基金面上项目(31971769) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(Y2020YJ19,1610132021016) 农业科技创新联盟建设-农业基础性长期性科技工作(NAES037SQ18) 呼伦贝尔市科技计划项目(YYYFHZ201903) 财政部和农业农村部 国家现代农业产业技术体系资助。
关键词 草甸草原 放牧强度 化学计量学 贮量 功能群 Meadow steppe Grazing intensity Stoichiometry Stocks Functional groups
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