
基于DEA模型的省际公共文化服务效率比较研究 被引量:1

Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Provincial Public Cultural Services Based on DEA Model
摘要 研究利用数据包络分析(Data Envelopement Analysis,以下简称DEA)中的CCR模型和BCC模型对2015—2019年全国31个省份公共文化服务的资源配置效率、管理效率和规模效率进行比较研究。研究表明:全国整体资源配置能力、文化资源使用效率较高,综合效率处于较高的效率水平,但部分省份公共文化服务存在波动中小幅下降的趋势;全国各省份公共文化服务的政府管理效率高,但存在不平衡问题;全国各省份规模效率波动中下降,规模无效率的省份出现波动上升的趋势。建议我国各省政府应在思想上重视公共文化服务的重要性,以顶层架构设计为基础,优化文化投入能力,提高文化资源的使用效率,保障并促进公共文化服务发展;政府公共文化服务的管理效率无效省份,针对性找出原因并进行优化,提升公共文化服务管理效率,缩小区域间差距;规模无效率的省份应切实加大在公共文化服务方面的投入,促使公共文化服务更好发展。 The study uses CCR and BCC model in DEA to compare the resource allocation efficiency,management efficiency and scale efficiency of public cultural services in 31 provinces of China from 2015 to 2019.Research results show as below:overall resource allocation capacity and cultural resource utilization efficiency in China is relatively high with comprehensive efficiency at a relatively high level,but public cultural services in some provinces have a trend of slight decline in fluctuation;government management efficiency of public cultural services across the country is high,but there is an imbalance problem;scale efficiency of the provinces in the country has declined in fluctuation,and provinces with inefficient scale show a trend of rising volatility.Provincial governments should pay attention to the importance of public cultural services ideologically,optimize the cultural input capacity based on the top-level architecture design,improve the efficiency of the use of cultural resources,and ensure and promote the development of public cultural services.In provinces where the management efficiency of government public cultural services is ineffective,the reasons should be identified and optimized to improve the management efficiency of public cultural services and narrow the gap between regions.Provinces with inefficient scale should increase investment in public cultural services to promote better development of public cultural services.
作者 孔少华 李成飞 KONG Shaohua;LI Chengfei(Tibet University,Lasa 850000,China;Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《山西经济管理干部学院学报》 2021年第4期39-44,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management
关键词 公共文化服务 效率评价 BCC模型 CCR模型 public cultural services efficiency evaluation BCC model CCR model
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