
A Case Report of Radiofrequency Ablation of Typical Atrial Flutter Combined with Atrial Tachycardia

摘要 A 63-year-old female patient with a history of pulmonary heart disease underwent radiofrequency ablation because of a persistent atrial fl utter.Endocardial mapping with the carto3 system confi rmed atrial fl utter counterclockwise reentry around the tricuspid annulus.Routine ablation of the cavo-tricuspid isthmus line to bi-directional block was performed.However,tachycardia with the same cycle length was induced again.After remapping,the tachycardia was confi rmed to be focal atrial tachycardia located in the crista terminalis.After ablation,the tachycardia was terminated and could not be induced again.
出处 《Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications》 2021年第4期113-116,共4页 心血管创新与应用(英文)
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