
生态补偿政策对农户湿地保护意愿及行为的影响研究——以鄱阳湖为例 被引量:13

Effect of Eco-compensation Policy on Farmers’ Willing and Behavior of Wetlands Ecological Protection: Based on Poyang Lake
摘要 湿地生态补偿政策是解决湿地生态保护与经济发展矛盾的重要环境管理工具。在分析生态补偿政策对农户湿地保护意愿和行为影响机理的基础上,在传统计划行为理论中加入了生态补偿政策变量,以鄱阳湖湿地为例,运用结构方程模型,实证分析了湿地生态补偿政策和心理因素对农户湿地保护意愿及行为的影响。结果表明:(1)湿地生态补偿政策除对农户湿地保护行为能够产生直接影响外,还可以通过影响湿地保护意愿而对农户湿地保护行为产生间接影响,但相较于对湿地保护意愿的影响效果在1%的水平下显著,生态补偿政策对湿地保护行为的直接影响效果仅在5%的水平下通过,说明生态补偿政策对湿地保护行为的直接激励效应尚未得到充分发挥,存在进一步提升的空间;(2)农户的心理变量(行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制)对其湿地保护意愿具有显著的正向直接影响,并通过影响湿地保护意愿对农户湿地保护行为产生间接影响;(3)农户年龄越小、受教育水平越高、家庭劳动力比例越高,其湿地保护行为会越积极;(4)农户湿地保护意愿对保护行为影响的直接效应为0.640,且生态补偿政策、心理变量等因素都会通过湿地保护意愿而间接影响湿地保护行为。因此,有必要从完善湿地生态补偿政策和强化农户心理变量两个角度来激发农户湿地保护意愿和行为,进而达到更好的湿地保护效果。 Wetland eco-compensation is an important policy tool to solve the problems of wetland ecological environment and effectively alleviate the contradiction between wetland protection and development and utilization, but the eco-compensation policy with the government as the main body often ignores and weakens the rights and interests of farmers. This paper theoretically analyzes the impact of eco-compensation on the willingness and behavior of farmers to protect wetlands, and reveals that the eco-compensation policy can influence the behavioral willingness of the group to form the herd effect, so as to make more farmers participate in the transformation of wetland protection. Taking Poyang lake wetland as an example, this paper introduces the eco-compensation policy, adopts the extended planning behavior theory and structural equation model, and makes an empirical analysis on the impact of eco-compensation policy and psychological factors on farmers’ wetland protection intentions and behaviors. Results showed that:(1) the eco-compensation policy can not only effectively motivate farmers directly participate in the wetland protection, can also through the positive influence on wetland protection will indirectly encourage farmers to participate in the wetland protection, but compared with effects on the wetland protection will significant under 1% level, eco-compensation policies directly affect the effect of wetland protection action only by under 5%, that eco-compensation policies for wetland protection behavior of incentive effect has not been fully play, there is further room for improvement.(2) the psychological variables of local farmers(behavior attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control) have a significant positive impact on the wetland protection intention of farmers, and indirectly affect the wetland protection behavior of farmers by influencing the wetland protection intention.(3) the direct effect of farmers’ willingness to protect wetlands on their protection behavior is 0.640, and ecological compensation policies, psychological variables and other factors will indirectly affect wetland protection behavior through their willingness to protect wetlands, which fully demonstrates the importance of their willingness to protect wetlands on their protection behavior. Based on the results of the study, policy suggestions were put forward to improve farmers’ willingness and behavior of wetland protection from the perspective of adjusting wetland eco-compensation policy and strengthening farmers’ psychological variables.
作者 庞洁 丘水林 靳乐山 PANG Jie;QIU Shui-lin;JIN Le-shan(College of Humanities and Development Studies,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;Research Center forRural Economy,Beijing 100810,China;China Eco-compensation Policy Research Center,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期2982-2991,共10页 Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(19BJY044) 国家社科基金重大项目(18ZDA048) 联合国粮食与农业组织/全球环境基金项目(GEF4662) 国家发改委西部司重点调研项目(XBS16-A1)。
关键词 湿地生态补偿政策 心理因素 湿地保护意愿 湿地保护行为 wetlands eco-compensation psychological factors ecological protection willingness ecological protection behavior
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