

Thoughts and Suggestions on Accelerating the“Pursuing Progress While Ensuring Stability”of Hebei’s Economy--A Summary of the Economic Situation Analysis Conference of Hebei Province from 2020 to 2021
摘要 “双循环”新发展格局下,依托资源禀赋和产业优势,加快构筑河北经济高质量发展新动力、新优势,充分释放经济增长潜力,对加快推进经济强省美丽河北建设意义重大。2021年,河北经济稳中有进,“三新”经济表现亮眼,产业结构持续优化,外贸成为经济增长“引爆点”。但同时,受经济复苏、政策效应以及国内疫情散点式突发等多重因素影响,河北经济在供应链维稳、工业生产提质、项目投资和需求拉动等方面仍面临较大压力。要抢抓“三件大事”重大机遇正在加速转化为河北发展强大势能的有利契机,进一步创新发展思路,深挖潜力,精准施策,集中发力,在推进经济高质量中展现河北新作为。 Under the“dual circulation”new development pattern,relying on resource endowment and indus⁃trial advantages,accelerating the construction of new driving forces and advantages for Hebei’high-quality eco⁃nomic development,and fully releasing the potential of economic growth is of great significance for accelerating the construction of a economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei.In 2021,Hebei’s economy made steady prog⁃ress,the“three new”economy performed prominently,the industrial structure kept improvement,and foreign trade became an important driving force for economic growth.However,affected by multiple factors such as econom⁃ic recovery,policy effects and scattered outbreak of domestic epidemic,Hebei’s economy has been under great pressure in such aspects as the supply chain stability,industrial production quality improvement,project investment and demand-pull.Hebei Province should take advantage of the great opportunity of“three major events”being in accelerated transformation into new potential energy for development,make further efforts on innovating develop⁃ment ideas,dig potentials deeply,implement targeted policies and concentrate efforts,and show Hebei’s new achievements in promoting high-quality economic development.
作者 王春蕊 李耀龙 甘泉 WANG Chun-rui;LI Yao-long;GAN Quan(Hebei Academy of Social Sciences,Research Institute of Economy;Hebei Institute of reproductive health science and technology;The Third Surveying And Mapping Institute of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050051,Hebei,China)
出处 《经济论坛》 2022年第2期5-10,共6页 Economic Forum
关键词 经济形势 稳中求进 形势预判 开放新优势 创新发展 Economic situation Pursuing progress while ensuring stability Situation pre-judgment New Openning-up advantages Innovative development








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