

The Problem Orientation of A Single Spark can Start A Prairie Fire and Against Bookishness
摘要 毛泽东在井冈山斗争和中央苏区时期的两篇重要著作——《星星之火,可以燎原》和《反对本本主义》,是问题导向的经典之作。在井冈山斗争和中央苏区时期,党和红军面临的理论和现实问题,既有表层的问题,如部分干部战士关于“红旗到底能打多久”的疑虑、中央“二月来信”导致的思想混乱等;也有深层的问题,如中共加入共产国际之后的政策路径依赖、缺乏独立自主等。1930年上半年,毛泽东“花大力气”写了这两篇文章,深入思考并从理论层面解决了这些问题。新时代重温这两篇光辉著作,昭示我们坚定的理想信念永远是激励奋勇向前、克难制胜的力量源泉,实事求是是新时代中国共产党人践行初心使命的理论和方法。 MAO Zedong’s two important works during the jinggangshan struggle and the Central Soviet Area——A Single Spark can Start a Prairie Fire and Against Bookishness are problem-oriented classics.During the Jinggangshan Struggle and the Central Soviet Area periods,the theoretical and practical problems faced by the Party and the Red Army included not only superficial problems such as the doubts of some cadres and soldiers about how long the red flag could be raised and the confusion caused by the February letter from the CPC Central Committee,but also deep problems such as the policy path dependence and lack of independence after the CPC joined the Communist International.In the first half of 1930,Mao Zedong wrote these two articles“with great effort”,thinking deeply and solving these problems from the theoretical level.Reviewing these two brilliant works in the new era shows that our firm ideals and convictions will always be a source of strength to inspire us to forge ahead and overcome difficulties,and that seeking truth from facts is the theory and method by which Chinese communists in the new era fulfill their original mission.
作者 张力 肖居孝 ZHANG Li;XIAO Ju-xiao(Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Beijing 100035,China;Department of Administrative Affairs,China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan,Jinggangshan 343600,Jiangxi,China)
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2022年第1期47-52,共6页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
关键词 毛泽东思想 《星星之火 可以燎原》 《反对本本主义》 问题导向 Mao Zedong Thought A Single Spark can Start a Prairie Fire Against Bookishness problem orientation
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