为了解兵团六师地区规模化猪场疾病的发生情况,2021年笔者采用荧光RT-PCR和荧光PCR法对六师范围内的25家规模化猪场采集的1478份全血、扁桃体、鼻拭子、肛拭子、病死猪组织(心、肝、脾、肺、肾、淋巴)等样品进行了7种主要疾病的病原检测,包括:猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)、猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)、支原体(MYCO)、猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)、猪流感病毒(SIV)、传染性胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(APP)、传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)。结果表明,25家规模化养殖场7种猪病的病原学样品总阳性率由高至低分别为MYCO 11.46%、PEDV 2.97%、PCV22.74%、APP 1.26%、SIV 1.06%、PRV 0.64%、TGEV 0;场阳性率从高至低依次为MYCO 88%、APP 32%、PCV224%、PEDV 20%、SIV 16%、PRV 12%、TGEV 0;活体猪样品检出率依次为MYCO 12.96%、PEDV 3.7%、PCV23.25%、SIV 1.32%、APP 1.29%、PRV 0.53%、TGEV 0;多数猪场存在两种及两种以上猪病的混合感染,MYCO可和多种猪病混合感染。说明六师地区规模化猪场感染疾病以MYCO、APP、PCV2、PEDV、SIV、PRV为主,且多呈混合感染趋势,MYCO可作为评估猪场疾病发生的监控者。活体样品检出率及排序与总检出率相近,建议用活体样品检测。
In order to understand the occurrence of diseases in large-scale pig farms in the Sixth Division of the Corps,in 2021,the author used fluorescent RT-PCR and fluorescent PCR to collect 1478 whole blood,tonsils,and tonsils from 25 large-scale pig farms within the sixth division.Nasal swabs,anal swabs,and dead pig tissues(heart,liver,spleen,lung,kidney,lymph)and other samples have been tested for pathogens of 7 major diseases,including:porcine pseudorabies virus(PRV),porcine circovirus type 2(PCV2),mycoplasma(MYCO),porcine epidemic diarrhea(PEDV),swine flu(SIV),infectious pleuropneumonia(APP),transmissible gastroenteritis(TGEV).The results showed that the total positive rates of pathogenic samples of 7 diseases in 25 large-scale farms were MYCO 11.46%,PEDV 2.97%,PCV22.74%,APP 1.26%,SIV 1.06%,from high to low.PRV 0.64%,TGEV 0;the field positive rate of 7 diseases in descending order is MYCO 88%,APP 32%,PCV224%,PEDV 20%,SIV 16%,PRV 12%,TGEV 0;7 diseases are tested in live pig samples the exit rate is MYCO 12.96%,PEDV 3.7%,PCV23.25%,SIV 1.32%,APP 1.29%,PRV 0.53%,TGEV 0;most pig farms have two or more diseases for mixed infections,MYCO can be mixed with multiple diseases.It shows that the infections of large-scale pig farms in the Sixth Division are mainly MYCO,APP,PCV2,PEDV,SIV,PRV,and most of them show a trend of mixed infections.MYCO can be used as a monitor to evaluate the occurrence of diseases in pig farms.The detection rate and ranking of live samples are similar to the total detection rate.It is recommended to use live samples for detection.
ZHAO Chenxia(Wujiaqu City Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Work Station,Sixth Division of Xinjiang Corps,Wujiaqu 831300,Xinjiang)
Swine Production