
The Role of Macrophage-Derived Exosomes in Liver Diseases

摘要 Exosomes(exos)widely distributed in a variety of biological fluids,including blood,urine,saliva,sputum,breast milk,cerebrospinal fluid,and ascites,contain specific bioactive contents which are involved in physiological and pathological processes,such as signal molecular transfer,substance metabolism,gene regulation,and immune regulation.Macrophages are important innate immune cells which usually act as the first line of defense against infection,and can switch between different functional phenotypes in response to the changes around the microenvironment.Evidence suggests that macrophage-derived exos exert a crucial effect on infection,inflammation,regeneration,tumors,fibrosis,and other lesions in multiple human diseases.However,the role and mechanism of macrophage-derived exos in liver diseases remain to be explored.This review summarizes the current researches on the role and possible mechanism of macrophage-derived exos in liver diseases,with the purpose of providing new potential targets and directions for diagnostic biomarker and clinical treatment of liver diseases.
出处 《Infectious Diseases & Immunity》 2022年第1期34-41,共8页 感染性疾病与免疫(英文)
基金 This study was supported by National Science and Technology Key Project on“Major Infectious Diseases such as HIV/AIDS,Viral Hepatitis Prevention and Treatment”(No.2017ZX10203201-005) National Key R&D Program of China(No.2017YFA0103000) Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Support(No.ZYLX201806) Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data-Based Precision Medicine(No.1212040205) Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation(No.7202068) the YouAn fund for liver diseases and AIDS(YNKTTS201801189).
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