
开窍清心汤与帕罗西汀治疗痰气交阻型抑郁症的临床观察 被引量:1

Clinical Observation of Kaiqiaoqingxin Decoction Combined with Paroxetine in Treating Phlegm-qi Interaction Obstruction Type Depression
摘要 目的:观察开窍清心汤联合盐酸帕罗西汀治疗痰气交阻型抑郁症的临床疗效。方法:将300例痰气交阻型抑郁症患者按随机数字表法平均分为治疗组和对照组。对照组采用盐酸帕罗西汀片治疗,治疗组采用开窍清心汤联合盐酸帕罗西汀治疗,两组疗程为8周。对比两组治疗前、治疗1个月、治疗2个月及治疗后6个月汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)、中医症状积分,用药期间不良反应发生情况及临床疗效。结果:治疗组脱落4例,对照组脱落7例。治疗1个月、治疗2个月及治疗后6个月,两组HAMD评分、中医症状积分、PSQI评分均较治疗前改善,且治疗组改善程度优于对照组;两组治疗2个月后,HAMD评分、中医症状积分、PSQI评分较治疗1个月有明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组治疗后6个月,HAMD评分、中医症状积分、PSQI评分较治疗2个月明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗组临床总有效率为93.84%,高于对照组的88.81%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗组不良反应发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:采用开窍清心汤联合盐酸帕罗西汀治疗痰气交阻型抑郁症疗效优于单纯采用盐酸帕罗西汀治疗,能够显著改善患者的抑郁状态,提高患者睡眠质量,不良反应发生率低,安全性高。 Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Kaiqiaoqingxin Decoction combined with paroxetine hydrochloride in the treatment of phlegm-qi interaction obstruction type depression.Methods:300 Cases of depression patients with phlegm-qi obstruction type were randomly divided into treatment group and control group.The control group received paroxetine hydrochloride tablets,and the treatment group received Kaiqiaoqingxin decoction combined with paroxetine hydrochloride.The course of treatment in both groups was 8 weeks.Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD),Pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI),TCM symptom scores,adverse reactions during treatnent and clinical efficacy were compared between the two groups before treatment,1 month,2 months and 6 months after treatment.Results:4 Cases fell off in the treatment group and 7 cases in the control group.After 1 month,2 months and 6 months of treatment,HAMD scores,TCM symptom scores and PSQI scores of the two groups were improved compared with those before treatment,and the improvement degree of the treatment group was better than the control group;after 2 months of treatment,HAMD scores,TCM syndrome scores and PSQI scores of the two groups were significantly improved compared with those of 1 month of treatment,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05);after 6 months of treatment,HAMD scores,TCM syndrome scores and PSQI scores in the two groups were significantly improved compared with those of 2 months of treatment,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The clinical effective rate in the treatment group was 93.84%,higher than 88.81%in the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);the incidence of adverse reactions in the treatment group was lower than that in the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Kaiqiao qingxin Decoction combined with paroxetine hydrochloride is better than paroxetine hydrochloride alone in the treatment of phlegm-qi interaction obstruction type depression.It can significantly improve the depressive behavior and sleep quality of patients,with low incidence of adverse reactions and high safety.
作者 赵荣 张鼎 刘春志 袁岳鹏 ZHAO Rong;ZHANG Ding;LIU Chun-zhi;YUAN Yue-peng(Qingyang People's Hospital of Gansu Province,Qingyang745000;Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Xianyang712046)
出处 《实用中西医结合临床》 2021年第24期8-11,共4页 Practical Clinical Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
基金 安徽省科技厅重点项目(编号:AHWJ2021a044) 安徽省重点领域攻关项目(编号:2020117)。
关键词 抑郁症 痰气交阻 开窍清心汤 盐酸帕罗西汀 Depression Phlegm-qi interaction obstruction Kaiqiaoqingxin decoction Paroxetine hydrochloride
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