

Context Reconstruction:Research on the Iron Bells in Ming and Qing Dynasties Exhibited in the Kangleyuan Campus of Sun Yat-sen University
摘要 康乐园展藏有两口明清时期的大铁钟:其一为明代万历二十一年(1593年)铸造,曾供奉于"韶州府曲江县布恩上都大岭堡延寿庵"中,目前存放在马丁堂;其二为清代嘉庆四年(1799年)铸造,曾供奉于越秀山旧广州城的三元宫关帝庙,现高悬于康乐园的惺亭内,两口铁钟均有铭文。与对待其他古物不同,这两口大铁钟在20世纪二十到四十年代携入康乐园时并未被纳入博物馆珍藏,而是露天展存于大学校园的凉亭中,近百年来观者如织却对其视若不见。本文首次对铁钟的铭文进行抄录和考释,运用"情境重构"的方法,阐释大铁钟进入大学情境之中如何表达"身许国家、永作楷模"的家国情怀,如何铭记抗战迁校时的颠沛流离。本文旨在以康乐园铁钟为研究案例,超越对器物的平面描述,探寻因情境变化而促成器物价值的"汇聚和叠加";将器物与精神相连,才可以见到器物流转与空间移易背后的人群和思想的跃动,对诠释和解读早期大学校园文化遗产具有范式意义。 There are two big iron bells preserved and exhibited in Kangleyuan Campus of Sun Yat-sen University,one of which is now preserved in Martin Hall,while the other is hanging in the Xing Pavilion.The former one was cast in 1593 in the Ming Dynasty,used to be enshrined in Yanshou Nunnery,and the latter one was cast in 1799 in the Qing Dynasty,used to be enshrined in Guandi Temple.Both bells were engraved with inscriptions.Unlike other well-preserved antiques,these two big iron bells were not registered in collection by the museum when they were brought to the campus in the 1920s and the 1940s,but placed in the outdoor pavilion in the campus instead.Over nearly a century,people passed by the bells but paid little attention to them.In this paper,the inscriptions in the bells are transcribed and explained for the first time.By the way of“context reconstruction”,this paper elaborates the bells’role in expressing patriotism of“being committed to the country and being an everlasting role model”in the context of entering the campus,and in memorizing the school’s arduous struggle of removal during the Anti-Japanese War.Based on the research of iron bells in Kangleyuan Campus,this paper goes beyond the plain interpretation of the bells,and searches for their combined and added value in the change of context.Moreover,this paper combines artifacts with spirits,in order to find out the contributors and active minds behind the circulations and shifting locations,which also has model significance in explaining early cultural relics in university campus.
作者 李宁利 Li Ningli(Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,510275)
机构地区 中山大学
出处 《博物院》 2021年第6期90-98,共9页 Museum
关键词 情境重构 康乐园 明清铁钟 惺亭 八角亭 Context reconstruction Kangleyuan Campus of Sun Yat-sen University iron bells in the Ming and Qing Dynasties Xing Pavilion Octagon Pavilion
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