
丁治国教授治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎经验撷萃 被引量:5

Professor Ding Zhiguo’s Experience in Treating Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
摘要 通过1则验案介绍丁治国教授治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,HT)的经验,丁治国教授创新性提出了“靥本相应”理论,即瘿病的发生与身体之本(机体内环境)功能失调密切相关,同时受自然因素的影响,并提出“窗口期”概念;丁教授将HT分为肝郁气滞证、阴虚内热证、肝郁脾虚证、脾肾阳虚证4型,以疏肝理气、滋阴清热、疏肝健脾、温补脾肾为基本治疗大法,同时重视清热解毒、逐瘀利湿、通利二便;将患者颈部局部辨证分为气滞血瘀型、气壅痰阻型、热毒炽盛型、痰瘀互结型;首创理气祛瘀消瘿膏、理气化痰消瘿膏、清热解毒消瘿膏、化痰祛瘀消瘿膏等外用中药膏膜,为中医药治疗HT提供了新思路。 Professor Ding Zhiguo’s experience in treating HT was summarized in an effective case,he creatively raised the theory of“dimple corresponding”,that is,the occurrence of goiter is closely related to the dysfunction of the foundation of the body(internal environment),simultaneously affected by the natural factors,and proposed the concept of“window period”;professor Ding divides HT into liver depression and Qi stagnation pattern,Yin deficiency and internal heat pattern,liver depression and spleen deficiency pattern,yang deficiency pattern of spleen and kidney,he adopts soothing liver and regulating Qi,nourishing yin and clearing heat,soothing liver and invigorating spleen,warming and tonifying spleen and kidney as basic therapeutic methods,simultaneously,he stresses clearing heat and detoxifying,dispelling stasis and eliminating dampness,freeing urine and relieving the bowels;the neck of the patients were locally differentiated into Qi stagnation and blood stasis pattern,Qi and phlegm obstruction pattern,excessive heat toxin pattern,phlegm and stasis binding together pattern;he initiates external ointments of TCM including Qi-regulating stasis-removing goiter-eliminating ointment,Qi-regulating phlegm-resolving goiter-eliminating ointment,heat-clearing detoxifying goiter-eliminating ointment,phlegm-resolving stasis-removing goiter-eliminating ointment,which could provide new thinking for TCM therapy in treating HT.
作者 付金香 祁烁 陈晓珩 李哲 李会龙 黄盛 张磊 丁治国 FU Jinxiang;QI Shuo;CHEN Xiaoheng;LI Zhe;LI Huilong;HUANG Sheng;ZHANG Lei;DING Zhiguo(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine)
出处 《西部中医药》 2022年第1期47-50,共4页 Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81673792) 北京市中医管理局北京中医药“薪火传承3+3工程”建设项目(2016-SZC-61)。
关键词 桥本氏甲状腺炎 瘿病 中医药 经验 丁治国 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis goiter TCM experience Ding Zhiguo
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