
双重幻化意义下的命运指向——悲剧人物赫拉克勒斯与麦克白自由意志的比较分析 被引量:1

The direction of destiny in the sense of double illusion——A comparative analysis of tragic Hercules and the free will of Macbeth
摘要 作为千年以来文学、哲学和神学的共同关切,自由意志从古希腊时期便引发了人们的深入思考和研究,并由此构成了西方文学的一大传统母题,在西方文化中呈现出一个由隐到显的发展历程。在命运抗争与意志选择的博弈中,“岔路口的赫拉克勒斯”和“坠入深渊的麦克白”不期而遇。赫拉克勒斯的选择关乎城邦的利益,是对城邦美德正义的自觉维护;而麦克白则每天都在“恼人的疑惑和恐惧所包围拘束”中被贪欲所无情吞噬。对自由意志问题的思考是人类对生活的探索,它意味着人不仅仅是个体的人,也是集体的人,人行使自由意志的同时应遵循理性和道德的要求。 As a common concern of literature,philosophy,and theology for thousands of years,free will has aroused people’s in-depth thinking and research since the ancient Greek period,and thus constitutes a major traditional motif of Western literature,which presents in Western culture a process of development and transformation from invisible to obvious.In the game of destiny resistance and will choice,“Hercules at the fork in the road”and Macbeth falling into the abyss meet unexpectedly on the road of free will choice,and realize in the process of freedom of meaning and value of life,Hercules’choice is related to the city-state’s interests and is a conscious practice of city-state virtue and justice,while Macbeth is“surrounded and bound by annoying doubts and fears”every day and devoured by greed.Thinking about free will is an exploration of how humans will live their lives.People are not only“individual people”,but also“collective people”.People exercising free will should also follow rationality and morality.Free will should not belong entirely to the individual and it should be related to collective interests.
作者 乔莉萍 刘可 Qiao Liping;Liu Ke(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116081,China)
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期90-96,共7页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重点项目“基于语言学的新世纪外国文学作品译介与传播问题研究”(L13AYY004)。
关键词 自由意志 城邦群体善 罪孽自为 free will city-state group goodness sin for self
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