

Comparison of Expansive Stressed Grouted Clamp with the Traditional One and Its Capacity Performance
摘要 本文把膨胀式自应力灌浆卡箍与传统式自应力灌浆卡箍进行了对比,然后对膨胀式卡箍的滑动应力经验公式和剩余承载力进行试验研究。对比管件表面喷砂状况下2种卡箍滑动应力经验公式发现,在相同预应力下(<3MPa范围),膨胀式卡箍的滑动应力明显大于传统式卡箍;增加测试了膨胀式卡箍管件表面喷丸状况下的滑动应力数据,拟合得到了滑动应力经验公式中的相关系数,该经验公式具有良好的准确性;试验发现膨胀式自应力灌浆卡箍在受损管件与灌浆环滑脱后仍有一定的剩余承载力,最大剩余承载力一般超过滑动承载力的70%。 In this paper,the expansive stressed grouted clamp is compared with the traditional one,and the empirical formula of slip stresses and residual bearing capacity of expansive clamp is tested.The comparison of the empirical formulas of slip stresses of the two kinds of clamps on the grit blasted pipe surface indicates that at the same pre-stress(<3 MPa range),the slip stress of the expansive clamp is significantly greater than that of the traditional one.Additionally,the slip stresses of the expansive clamp on the shot blasted pipe surface are tested.Then,the correlated coefficients in the empirical formula of slip stress are obtained by parameter optimization.The empirical formula is found to have an accurate calculation.The experiments suggest that the expansive stressed grouted clamp stil has a certain residual capacity after the slip between damaged pipe and grout ring,and the maximum residual capacity is generally more than 70%of the slip capacity.
作者 陈勇 石湘 李晓明 刘建峰 赵晓东 朱绍华 CHEN Yong;SHI Xiang;LI Xiaoming;LIU Jianfeng;ZHAO Xiaodong;ZHU Shaohua(Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Tanggu 300451,Tianjin,China;Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,Shandong,China)
出处 《海洋工程装备与技术》 2021年第1期44-50,共7页 Ocean Engineering Equipment and Technology
基金 海洋石油工程股份有限公司项目(E-0819P008)。
关键词 膨胀式自应力灌浆卡箍 传统式 滑动应力经验公式 喷丸处理 剩余承载力 expansive stressed grouted clamp traditional stressed grouted clamp empirical formula of slip stress shot blasting residual capacity
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