

The early school leaving issue among Chinese students in the super-diverse city of Prato
摘要 普拉托是意大利最为种族多元的城市,居民20%为外国人。它是欧洲最大的华人社区之一,这些华人专营纺织业。然而,对于第一代和第二代华人学生来说,经济上的成功并不能转化为教育上的成功。辍学是普拉托教育系统中的一个紧迫问题,在高中毕业之前,16.2%的学生已辍学。在外国学生中,这一问题更令人吃惊,比例高达50%。其中,华人学生的辍学率最高。本文考察了普拉托华人社区的辍学现象,对教育政策、当地统计数据和民族志研究结果进行了批判性评估,这些结果,来源于相关人士的参与性观察和对普拉托一所中学、三所高中、一所华人学校的校长、教师和学生的深度访谈。本文旨在探讨和分析华人社区的辍学原因,如意大利立法的缺陷、学校长期缺乏资金、教育方式的冲突,以及缺乏家长的参与。最后,本文考察了普拉托学校为纠正这一现象所采取的策略,以及教育参与度低如何影响到华人学生的文化、社会、经济和符号资本。 Prato is the most multiethnic city in the country, hosting 20 per cent foreigner residents. It is home of one of the largest Chinese communities in Europe, specialising in the textile sector. Yet economic success does not translate into educational success for the first-and second-generation Chinese students.Early school leavings represent a pressing issue in Prato’s educational system, with 16.2 per cent of all students leaving school before graduating from high school. Among foreigner students, the problem is even more alarming,reaching 50 per cent. The highest leaving rate is recorded among Chinese students. This paper examines the phenomenon of early school leavings within the Chinese community in Prato. The article works to critically assess educational policies, local statistics, and ethnographic findings derived from participant observation and in-depth interviews with headmasters, teachers, and students from one middle school, three high schools, and one Chinese school in Prato. The paper aims to explore and analyse causes for early school leaving within the Chinese community, such as flaws in the Italian legislation in conjunction with the chronic shortage of funds for schools,the clash of educational style, and the lack of parental involvement. Finally, the paper examines strategies implemented by schools in Prato in an effort to redress the phenomenon and how the low educational engagement affects the cultural, social, economic, and symbolic capital of Chinese students.
作者 皮耶罗•兰尼埃洛 王爱松(译) Piero Ianniello
机构地区 纽黑文大学 不详
出处 《国际社会科学杂志(中文版)》 2021年第4期119-132,7,12,共16页 International Social Science Journal(Chinese Edition)
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