
考虑多种类干扰事件的集装箱码头泊位分配问题 被引量:4

Berth allocation problem of container ports considering multiple kinds of interference events
摘要 为有效抵抗各类干扰事件对集装箱码头泊位分配计划的影响,有必要制定具有一定鲁棒性且易于恢复调整的泊位分配计划.本文从事前角度出发,针对集装箱码头的泊位分配问题开展以下研究:首先,对码头内干扰泊位分配计划实施的事件进行识别和分类;然后,通过量化以上干扰事件在泊位分配模型中产生的影响,并以最小化船舶的等待时间成本、离港延误时间成本和泊位偏移成本为目标,提出考虑多种类干扰事件的混合整数规划模型;最后,针对该模型设计了启发式算法——吱吱轮算法,对大规模下的泊位分配问题进行求解.通过随机生成的算例,验证了考虑多种类干扰事件的泊位分配模型和吱吱轮算法的有效性.相较于确定性模型,该模型生成的泊位分配计划更具鲁棒性,在发生干扰事件的情况下更易于码头进行计划调整. In order to effectively resist the influence of various interference events on the berth allocation plan of container terminal,it is necessary to formulate a berth allocation plan which is robust and easy to recover and adjust.From the perspective of the former,this paper carried out the following research on the berth allocation of container terminals:firstly,the events that interfered with the implementation of berth allocation plan in the wharf were identified and classified;then,by quantifying the impact of the above interference events on the berth allocation model,aiming at minimizing the waiting time cost,departure delay time cost and berth offset cost,a mixed integer programming model(MILP)considering multiple kinds of interference events was proposed;finally,a heuristic algorithm,the squeak wheel optimization(SWO)algorithm was designed to solve the large-scale berth allocation problem.By randomly generated example,the effectiveness of the berth allocation model considering multiple interference events and the squeak wheel algorithm were verified.The berth allocation plan generated by proposed MILP model is more robust and easier to adjust the wharf plan than the deterministic model in the case of interference events.
作者 唐世轩 金建钢 卢春霞 何平 TANG Shi-xuan;JIN Jian-gang;LU Chun-xia;HE Ping(School of Naval Architecture,Ocean&Civil Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期30-38,共9页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
关键词 集装箱码头 泊位分配 事前干扰管理 混合整数规划模型 吱吱轮算法 container ports berth allocation pro-active disruption management mixed integer programming model squeaky wheel optimization algorithm
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