
基于曲流技术的超宽带单极子局部放电检测天线设计 被引量:2

Design of ultra wideband monopole partial discharge detection antenna based on meander technology
摘要 电气设备局部放电是衡量电气设备绝缘性能的重要指标,电气设备发生局部放电过程中会产生超高频(UHF)电磁波信号(频率范围0.3~3 GHz),而该UHF信号能量集中于0.5~1.5 GHz频段。为检测该信号,受到通信上UWB天线广泛使用的单极子贴片天线启发,研发了超宽带单极子贴片天线。该天线主要使用了曲流技术,从而获得了超宽带特性。使用HFSS软件对天线的几何形状参数进行优化仿真。仿真结果表明:该单极子贴片天线的回波损耗S11<-10dB的频带范围为0.5~1.57 GHz,在频带内具有良好的方向性;天线具有良好的增益,在0.5~1.57 GHz范围内的增益能够达到1.5~2 dB;天线的制作工艺简单,空间占用小,不需要使用额外的阻抗变换器进行阻抗匹配。搭建了模拟电气设备局部放电国产的实验平台,对天线的实际使用效果进行测试,结果表明天线能够有效检测到电气设备局部放电伴随产生的超高频信号。 Partial discharge of electrical equipment is an important index to measure the insulation performance of electrical equipment. During partial discharge of electrical equipment, ultra-high frequency(UHF) electromagnetic wave signals (frequency range 0.3~3 GHz) will be generated, and the frequency band of UHF signal energy concentration is concentrated in 0.5~1.5 GHz. In order to detect the signal, a new type of ultra-broadband monopole patch antenna is designed, inspired by the UWB antenna in communication engineering. The antenna uses meandering technology to obtain the wide band. HFSS software is used to simulate and optimize the antenna. The simulation results show that: the return loss of the monopole patch antenna S11 <-10 dB has a frequency band range of 0.5~1.57 GHz, and has good directivity within the frequency band. The antenna has a good gain in the range of 0.5~1.57 GHz, which can reach 1.5~2 dB. The antenna is simple to manufacture and occupies little space,so it does not need to use additional impedance converter for impedance matching. An experimental platform is built to simulate partial discharge of electrical equipment. The results show that the antenna can effectively detect uhf signals generated by partial discharge of electrical equipment.
作者 张安 许万涛 邢东方 张作钦 辛东立 高国强 ZHANG An;XU Wantao;XING Dongfang;ZHANG Zuoqin;XIN Dongli;GAO Guoqiang(CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao 266111,China;College of Electrical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 611756,China)
出处 《电气应用》 2022年第1期85-90,共6页 Electrotechnical Application
基金 国家自然基金项目(51907167)。
关键词 单极子贴片天线 超高频 超宽带 曲流技术 微带馈电 局部放电检测 monopole patch antenna UHF ultra wide band meandering technology microstrip feeding partial discharge detection
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