
南海区域渔船活动时空特征分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Fishing Vessels Activities in the South China Sea
摘要 近年来海洋资源的不断开发利用,使得海洋空间规划变得尤为重要,其中以渔业资源占主要比重。为了对渔业资源监测与规划提供辅助决策信息,本文通过对南海及周边国家2018年船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据进行预处理,采用数理统计和GIS空间分析方法,实现了南海区域渔船活动强度时空特征分析。结果显示:(1) 2018年南海及周边国家渔船以区域性分布为主,集中在中国和越南沿海岸100 km以内区域,在秋季11月捕捞活动频繁,全年渔船平均活动强度白天大于夜晚,16:00PM时达到最大渔船活动强度;(2)中国在广东省、广西和海南省各主要港口渔船活动强度呈现聚集性点状分布,渔船活动强度多大于100,部分港口附近海域呈条带状分布,西沙群岛相较南海其他群岛渔船活动强度较大,除越南外其他周边国家靠近南海附近海域部分海湾和港口有聚集式分布,渔船活动强度都小于2;(3)越南渔船区域性分布明显,在胡志明港口呈现稳定的块状聚集性分布,且一年四季活动强度变化趋势不大,近岸渔船活动强度保持在50~100,越南渔船在中国南海禁渔线内靠近海南省西南部有两处活动较强的块状分布区域,2018年全年在此区域活动频率占采样天数的87.71%,且平均每小时有7~10艘渔船在该海域活动,休渔期内平均每小时渔船数量大于5,给中国南海海域渔业资源造成巨大威胁。本文通过AIS数据研究分析渔船活动可为海洋空间规划与政府相关部门提供数据支撑。 In recent years, with the continuous exploitation and utilization of marine resources, marine spatial planning has become more and more important, among which fishery resources account for the main proportion.In order to provide auxiliary information for the monitoring and planning of fishery resources, this paper obtained the 2018 Automatic Identification System data of the South China Sea and surrounding countries,extracted the activity intensity of fishing vessels and carried out preprocessing, sampling processing, and GIS spatial analysis, and then mathematically analyzed the spatial and temporal characteristics. The results showed that, firstly, in 2018, fishing vessels in the South China Sea and surrounding countries were mainly distributed regionally, concentrated in areas within 100 km of the coast of China and Vietnam. Fishing activities were frequent in autumn and November. The average activity intensity of fishing vessels was higher during the day than at night, with the maximum activity intensity at 16:00 PM;Secondly, the intensity of fishing activities in main ports of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan provinces is clustered as dots, with the intensity of fishing activities bigger than 100. The sea area near some ports is striped, and the intensity of activities of other fishing vessels in the South China Sea is larger than that of other islands in the Paracel Islands. The activity intensity of fishing vessels is smaller than 2;Thirdly, the regional distribution of Vietnamese fishing activities is obvious,showing a stable mass clustering distribution in Ho Chi Minh Port, with little change in activity intensity throughout the year. The activity intensity of nearshore fishing vessels remains at 50~100. Vietnamese fishing vessels are banned in the South China Sea. There are two areas with strong activity in the southwestern part of Hainan Province within the fishing line. In 2018, days with fishing activity accounted for 87.71% of the total sampling days, with on average 7~10 fishing boats every hour in the area. During the moratorium period, the average number of boats every hour is bigger than 5, which poses a great threat to China’s south China sea fishery resources. In this paper, AIS data research and analysis of fishing vessel activities can provide data support for marine spatial planning and relevant government departments.
作者 贺彬 吴文周 康路 苏奋振 HE Bin;WU Wenzhou;KANG Lu;SU Fenzhen(Faculty of Geomatics,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China;State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies,Nanjing 210023,China;University of China Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Gansu Provincial Engineering Laboratory for National Geographic State Monitoring,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《地球信息科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期2013-2024,共12页 Journal of Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(4200617) 国家自然科学基金重大项目(41890854) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA13010400)。
关键词 南海 AIS 渔船 点密度 时空分析 越南 禁渔线 非法侵渔 South China Sea AIS fishing vessels point density spatio-temporal analysis Vietnam fishing line illegal invade fishing
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