
中国国有企业股份制改革思想的演进与创新 被引量:8

Evolution and Innovation of the Thought of Joint-stock System Reform in Chinese State-owned Enterprises
摘要 作为社会主义市场经济理论的重要一环,国有企业股份制改革思想的发展与创新不仅关乎国有企业自身的壮大发展和路径选择,还关乎中国经济学的科学构建。有鉴于此,文章通过系统回顾与梳理国有企业股份制改革思想的演进历程,总结和提炼该思想的理论创新元素,试图揭示国有企业股份制改革思想的历史发展全貌,进而探索其推动新时代中国经济体制改革全面深化和经济向高质量发展的攻坚使命。研究表明:(1)以时间为线索,国有企业股份制改革思想大致可以分为三个阶段,即以推进企业改革试点为核心的萌芽探索阶段(1978-1992年)、以理顺企业产权关系为核心的制度创新阶段(1993-2012年)、以实现企业产权主体多元化为核心的纵深推进阶段(2013年至今)。(2)国有企业股份制改革思想的创新主要体现在改革理念、改革模式、公司治理结构和政府作用等四个方面,即在所有制上突破理论束缚而走公有制和非公有制经济协调发展的道路,在改革模式上坚持走"由点到面"的渐进式改革道路,在公司治理结构上坚持走产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的现代企业制度之路,在政府作用上坚持走"放管服"之路。伴随着经济体制改革的全面深化,中国的国有企业改革思想仍需在员工持股、推动民营经济发展和完善国有资产监管等关键领域寻求突破。 At the beginning of reform and opening up, in the new historical period and economic conditions, all sectors of society began to explore the reform model of state-owned enterprises that met the requirements of China’s economic system reform and the needs of social and economic development. In this process,rich ideological achievements represented by the thought of joint-stock system reform have been formed,which is a rational reflection on how to transform state-owned enterprises in socialist countries, widens the path choice of China’s state-owned enterprise reform, and provides ideological reference for further reform in practice. Among them, the unique views on the joint-stock reform of Chinese enterprises in the process of China’s market economy construction have accumulated theoretical elements for the construction of Chinese economics.Taking time as a clue, this paper divides the development and evolution of the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises since the reform and opening up into three stages: the embryonic exploration stage with promoting the pilot of enterprise reform as the core, the system innovation stage with straightening out the relationship of enterprise property rights as the core, and the in-depth promotion stage with realizing the diversification of enterprise property rights as the core. This paper systematically examines these three stages and finds that: First, correctly understanding and dealing with the relationship between government and market is the logical main line to promote the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises. Second, the dynamic evolution of the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises fully reflects the interactive influence of system and thought. Third, the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises has always been based on China’s national conditions, and has realized theoretical innovation in reform concept, reform mode, corporate governance structure, and government role in continuous exploration. Fourth, the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises still needs to play a further role in accelerating employee stock ownership,promoting the development of private economy, and improving the supervision of state-owned assets.The innovation of this paper lies in the following aspects: First, it widens the research time cycle, then systematically combs the policies and academic ideas on the joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises since the reform and opening up, and analyzes the evolution path of the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises. Secondly, it summarizes the theoretical innovation of the thought of jointstock system reform in Chinese state-owned enterprises in the aspects of reform concept, reform mode, corporate governance structure, and government role since the reform and opening up, and summarizes the relevant evaluations on China’s joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises in the international academic circles.Third, it analyzes the future exploration focus of the thought of joint-stock system reform in Chinese stateowned enterprises.
作者 程霖 严晓菲 Cheng Lin;YanXiaofei(School of Economics,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China;Institute for the Development of Chinese Economic Thought,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期19-33,共15页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(17ZDA034) 上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题(2020EJL002)。
关键词 国有企业股份制改革 思想演进 理论创新 攻坚展望 joint-stock system reform in state-owned enterprises thought evolution theoretical innovation crucial outlook
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