文章基于GB/T 27025:2017《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》的理解与实施,结合工作实践及各车企及第三方检测机构试验室CNAS能力评审的经验,探索了如何建设满足CNAS的全部要素的整车研发试验管理数字化平台。试验管理数字化平台在对人、机、料、法、环的管理的基础上,运用5G、网联技术等新兴科技手段,加入融合设备网联管理、试验数据采集与分析等数字化功能模块,承载从试验策划到报告交付的试验业务流程,实现试验流程规范标准、试验数据互通共享、客户服务高效便捷、运营数据精细准确,更加高效的服务于整车研发。
Based on the understanding and implementation of GB / T 27025:2017 General requirements for the capability of testing and calibration laboratories,combined with work practice and the experience of CNAs capability review in the laboratories of various vehicle enterprises and third-party testing institutions,this paper explores how to build a digital platform for vehicle R & D and test management that meets all elements of CNAs.Based on the management of human,machine,material,method and environment,the digital platform for test management uses emerging scientific and technological means such as 5g and network technology,and adds digital function modules such as integrated equipment network management and test data acquisition and analysis to carry the test business process from test planning to report delivery,so as to realize the standardization of test process,interoperability and sharing of test data Efficient and convenient customer service,fine and accurate operation data,and more efficient service for vehicle R & D.
Auto Time