
国内肿瘤患者安宁疗护研究现状的文献计量分析 被引量:3

Bibliometric analysis of the research status of palliative care for cancer patients in China
摘要 目的了解国内肿瘤患者安宁疗护研究现状,探索近年来其发展趋势和研究关注点。方法收集中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)及万方学术论文数据库,自建立数据库至2020年6月刊发有关肿瘤患者安宁疗护方面的文献,对获取文献,按照年限、发文期刊、地域分布、研究类型、研究切入点、评价指标、安宁疗护模式等进行计量学分析。结果纳入1347篇文献,分布于221种期刊,发文量前3位省份依次是江苏、四川和上海;文献研究类型以类实验性研究类为主;文章数基本呈上升趋势。研究热点集中在肿瘤患者临终关怀、姑息治疗、临终护理、生活质量等;涉及13种安宁疗护模式,涉及的照护模式具有多学科团队雏形;发文量排前10名期刊均未被纳入中国科技核心期刊;涉及的评价指标注重患者的生存质量与心理状况。结论国内肿瘤患者安宁疗护研究的文献发刊篇数越来越多;发文地域也越来越广;研究热点倾向临床研究、多学科团队式照护,但还存在核心期刊发文量少,研究深度、科学性及实操性有待提升,需要推进安宁医保政策在不同层级医院,社区一体化转诊,最后完善相关实际安宁培训课程、住院及管理模式,以达到安宁疗护持续、有质量、个性化的发展。 Objective To understand the research status of palliative care for cancer patients in China,and to explore its development trend and research focus in recent years.Methods The Chinese journal full-text database(CNKI)and Wanfang academic paper database were collected.From the establishment of the database to the publication of the literature on palliative care of cancer patients in June 2020,the literature was obtained according to the age,published journal,geographical distribution,research type,and research entry.point,evaluation indicators,palliative care mode,etc.were used for quantitative analysis.Results A total of 1,347 papers were included,which were distributed in 221 journals.The top 3 provinces in terms of the number of papers published were Jiangsu,Sichuan and Shanghai.The types of literature research were mainly quasi-experimental research;the number of articles basically showed an upward trend.Research hotspots focus on end-of-life care,palliative care,end-of-life care,and quality of life for cancer patients;13 palliative care models are involved,and the care models involved are in the shape of a multidisciplinary team;none of the top 10 journals in terms of publication volume are included in China The core journal of science and technology;the evaluation indicators involved focus on the quality of life and psychological status of patients.Conclusion The number of publications of domestic research on palliative care for cancer patients was increasing;the publication area was also becoming wider and wider;the research hotspots tended to be clinical research and multidisciplinary team care,but there were still core journals with a small number of publications.The research depth,science and practicality need to be improved.It was necessary to promote the integration of palliative care policies in hospitals at diff erent levels and the community referral,and fi nally improve the relevant practical hospice training courses,hospitalization and management models,so as to achieve continuous,quality and personalized development of palliative care.
作者 时艳霞 洪金花 王晓松 施敏 何风娥 王美鑑 王丽华 SHI Yanxia;HONG Jinhua;WANG Xiaosong;SHI Min;HE Fenge;WANG Meijian;WANG Lihua(Jiangxi Cancer Hospital,Nanchang,330029,China)
机构地区 江西省肿瘤医院
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2022年第4期492-497,共6页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 中华护理学会科研课题(编号:ZHKY201928)。
关键词 肿瘤患者 安宁疗护 护理 文献计量学 Tumor patients Palliative care Nursing Bibliometric
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