由卡内基梅隆大学与匹兹堡大学的学生与毕业生创立的Ecotone Renewables新创公司,希望改变人们对厨余的看法——而且要利用“海马”这么做。他们指的不是那种海底动物,而是同时向马的胃和大海致敬。创立于大约五年前的这家新创公司,希望通过把厨余转变为不被浪费的东西而实现“封闭食物循环”。
Ecotone Renewables,a startup by students and graduates of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh,wants to change the way the world thinks about food waste-and it wants to use a“seahorse”to do so.It?s not talking about the underwater critter,but it is paying homage[to]both a horse's stomach and the ocean.