
炮制对硫熏白芍饮片检控指标的影响 被引量:1

Influence of processing on the indictive indexes of sulfur-fumigated Paeoniae Radix Alba
摘要 目的探讨炮制对硫熏白芍检控指标的影响规律。方法采用《中国药典》SO_(2)残留量方法和HPLC方法分别测定比较炒制/酒制前后硫熏白芍饮片中SO_(2)残留量和硫熏特征衍生物及芍药苷、芍药内酯苷、没食子酸、五没食子酰葡萄糖、苯甲酸5种活性成分含量。结果白芍饮片经硫熏后SO_(2)残留显著增加。白芍饮片熏蒸2 h后,SO_(2)残留量达861.08 mg/kg。经炒制/酒制后,SO_(2)残留量明显降低,测得量分别为323.59 mg/kg、364.46 mg/kg,分别降低了62.42%、57.67%。白芍饮片硫熏后活性成分转化,产生磺酸化芍药苷,含量为3.93 mg/g,而经炒制和酒炙后,磺酸化芍药苷含量分别为3.99 mg/g、3.92 mg/g,含量未见明显变化;5种活性成分含量也未见明显变化。结论SO_(2)残留结合硫熏特征标志物可作为硫熏白芍饮片的安全性评价指标。 Objective To investigate the influence of processing on the indictive indexes of sulfur-fumigated Paeoniae Radix Alba(PRA).Methods Using SO_(2) residue determination method documented in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and HPLC technique,we determined and compared the difference before and after processed by stir frying and wine systemin of sulfur-fumigated PRA in SO_(2) residue,content of sulfur-fumigated characteristic derivatives and paeoniin,paeonilacin,feutonic acid,pentazacyl glucose and benzoic acid.Results The residue of SO_(2) was significantly increased after sulfur fumigation.In this experiment,after fumigation of 2 h,SO_(2) residue reached 861.08 mg/kg.Stir frying and wine system could significantly reduce SO_(2) residue in sulfur-fumigated PRA.The measured amount of 323.59 mg/kg,364.46 mg/kg,decreased by 62.42%and 57.67%,respectively.Transformation of active ingredient after sulfur fumigation of PRA.Paeoniflorin sulfonate were produced,the measured amount of 3.93 mg/g.However,stir frying and wine system were no notable change of sulfur-fumigated characteristic derivatives.The measured amount of 3.99 mg/g,3.92 mg/g,which was not significantly changed of the content of 5 active ingredients.Conclusion SO_(2) residue combined with sulfur-fumigated characteristics markers can be used as safety evaluation indexes for sulfur-fumigated PRA.
作者 丁妍 孔铭 徐亚运 李松林 DING Yan;KONG Ming;XU Ya-yun;LI Song-lin(Department of Pharmaceutical,Eastern Theater Command General Hospital Zhenjiang Medical Area,Zhenjiang 212001,Jiangsu,China;Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis,Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine to Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210028,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《东南国防医药》 2022年第1期50-53,共4页 Military Medical Journal of Southeast China
基金 国家自然科学基金(81503245)。
关键词 白芍 硫磺熏蒸 SO_(2) 炮制 检控指标 HPLC Paeoniae Radix Alba sulfur fumigation SO_(2) processing inspection and control index HPLC
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