在《神圣家族》中,马克思重新使用了bürgerlicher Gesellschaft概念,不过它不再是多重话语实践中的"市民社会",而是作为在鲜明无产阶级立场上所批判的现代资产阶级社会。在经济学研究的不断深入中,原先在其思想中居主导地位的人本主义劳动异化构式开始走向解构,马克思试图从资产阶级社会内部更深地探寻对象化"劳动"产生的客观原因,这就是有特定含义的历史性的工业。马克思原先在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中将工人的劳动看作占有自然和自我对象化的地方,现在被历史性时间线索中的"工业"所代替;对资产阶级社会劳动异化的哲学分析,越来越被走向客观的"物质条件和社会条件"的现实分析所代替。在方法论上,马克思开始走向《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中客观的社会整体实践。
In The Holy Family,Marx returns to the concept of“bürgerlicher Gesellschaft”,but no longer as“civil society”in its multiple discursive practices,but as a modern bourgeois society criticized from a distinctly proletarian standpoint.In his constantly deepening research in economics,the humanist construction of labor alienation that had previously dominated his thought began to be deconstructed,and Marx sought to look deeper into bourgeois society to find the objective causes of the production of objectified“labor,”which was historical industry with a specific meaning.The place where the workers’labor used to be regarded by Marx as appropriation of nature and self-objectification in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 was replaced by“industry”in a historical time line;the philosophical analysis of the alienation of labor in bourgeois society was increasingly replaced by a realistic analysis moving towards the objective“material and social conditions”.Methodologically,Marx began to move towards the objective practice of society as a whole in Theses on Feuerbach.
Studies on Marxism