
肝脏刚柔论在民间中医特色诊疗中的应用 被引量:2

Theoretical Application of“Hard and Soft Feature of Liver”in Unique Medical Technique of Folk Medicine
摘要 民间中医特色诊疗技术以理筋调肝为核心,通过柔肝疏肝、疏通经络、调和气血,借助局部的刺激,理筋整骨,促进全身气血运行。"罗氏正骨法"利用轻柔手法让患者放松,消除患者的恐惧和疑虑,"一掌击、一脚踢",重而不滞,重中有巧,疏肝理气,通经活络,迅速疏通病患部位气血,理急止痛。"李氏铁手腕挺直法"以脊柱挺直为核心,通过手法操作,达到头、肩、腰、膝的系统挺直,经过理筋,进而整骨,达到全身挺直的目的。诠释肝在民间中医特色诊疗技术中的关键作用,有助于民间中医诊疗技术的理论化,填补其长于实践而短于理论的不足,为民间中医特色诊疗技术的系统性研究与开发提供理论思路。 Unique medical technique of folk medicine emphasis tendon-regulation and liver-regulation.According to liver-regulation,the channels are dredged,Qi and Blood are regulated.For example,“Luo Shi bonesetting”uses its technique to make patients relax,eliminate nervous emotion,which are controlled by liver,and quickly dredge the channels and relieve pain.The technique of“Li Shi Iron hand wrist straightening method”regulates tendon,makes head,shoulder,low back and knees straightened,which cures those suffering ricket or spondylitis.Understanding liver’s function in unique medical technique of folk medicine may help the techniques theorizing.It may change unique medical technique of folk medicine’s situation which is better in practice than in theory,and finally enlighten the systematic studies and development of unique medical technique of folk medicine.
作者 安宏 高雅 刘剑锋 An Hong;Gao Ya;Liu Jianfeng(Institute of Chinese Medical History and Literature,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Center for Post-doctoral Studies,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2022年第1期203-206,共4页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 科技部国家重点研发计划“中医药现代化研究”专项“民间中医特色诊疗技术筛选评价与推广应用机制研究”(2019YFC1708400) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助(No.ZZ140503) 北京中医药薪火传承“3+3”工程李经纬人文学术传承工作室建设项目(2020-SZ-D-3) 北京市中医药管理局文化资源项目(WHZX-2020-55)。
关键词 刚柔 民间中医特色诊疗技术 应用 Liver Hard and Soft Unique Medical Technique of Folk Medicine Application
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