
历史唯物主义生产话语转换的经济学背景——马克思《布鲁塞尔笔记》与《曼彻斯特笔记》研究 被引量:2

The Economic Background of the Application of Production Discourse in Historical Materialism:A Study of Marx’s Brussels Notebooks and Manchester Notebooks
摘要 在马克思第二阶段经济学研究中,他第一次具体遭遇近代资产阶级工业生产实际和机器化大生产的现实,这促使他彻底放弃抽象的哲学话语,而从哲学意味的实践活动和社会关系,直接进入到工业文明的物质生产与再生产的构序和塑形活动,人与自然、人与人的关系赋型和动态的生产方式筑模。由此,再以历史唯物主义和历史认识论的科学方法,历史地、现实地全面分析和批判了资产阶级社会的历史发生和现实统治。在《布鲁塞尔笔记》和《曼彻斯特笔记》中,马克思获得比传统哲学话语更贴近现实生活的东西,这就是人们现实生产资料的物质生产。物质生产活动是比物质实践中阶级斗争一类政治活动更基始性的方面。这既可能是《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中物质实践概念的基础,也会是马克思后来从实践的哲学概念走向社会历史深处的基始性的物质生产之思的缘起。 In the second stage of Marx’s economic research,he encountered the reality of industrial production driven by the modern capitalist class and mechanized mass production for the first time,which made him completely abandon the abstract philosophical discourse;left behind the philosophical understanding of practice and social relationships,and directly entered into the forming and shaping activities of the material production and reproduction of industrial civilization;re-figured the relationship of man and nature,and man and man;and modeled the dynamic mode of production. Therefore,with the scientific methods of historical materialism and historical epistemology,Marx comprehensively analyzed and criticized the historical genesis and actual dominance of the capitalist society. In The Brussels Notebooks and The Manchester Notebooks,Marx found something closer to real life than traditional philosophical discourse,namely the material production of people’s real means of production. Material production is more fundamental than political activities such as class struggle. This idea may not only be the basis of the concept of material practice in Theses on Feuerbach,but also the origin of the later Marx’s basic idea of material production from the philosophical concept of practice to the depths of social history.
作者 张一兵 Zhang Yibing
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期14-24,123,共12页 Philosophical Research
基金 教育部重点研究基地重大项目“数字化马藏工程”(编号18JJD710003)的阶段性成果。
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