
论立法活跃时代刑法教义学的应变 被引量:14

Adaptation of Doctrines of Criminal Law to the Era of Active Legislation
摘要 在功能主义背景下的立法活跃化趋势,是刑法学者必须面对的现实。我国活跃化的立法始终关注转型社会的现实问题,其具有实证基础,保持了立法的明确性和处罚的轻缓化,因而具有合理性。立法意味着平衡和决断,其与刑法教义学主张体系合理、解释上尽量没有漏洞等在方法论上原本就不同;学者先预设出一个刑法思想的分析框架再去批评为完成现代性社会治理任务而制定的刑法条文,属于意义有限的"跨界"对话;立法的实际效果不会因为刑法学的批评而消失;过度的立法怀疑主义势必从一开始就将刑法理论和立法实践对立起来,遏制了刑法教义学对未来的立法科学化产生具体影响的机会。立法活跃化为刑法教义学发展带来新的契机,在教义学上从体系性建构转向问题思考,对立法所提出的难题予以充分展开,尤其是对构成要件进行合理解释,对犯罪竞合关系做细致梳理等,都能够增强刑法教义学的"应变"能力。在立法活跃化时代,刑法教义学必须尽快实现观念论的转变和方法论的拓展。 In the context of functionalism,the trend of active legislation is a reality that criminal law academics have to face.The active legislative activities in China have always paid attention to the practical problems of the transitional society:having empirical bases,these activities maintain the clarity of the legislation and the lightness and mitigation of penalties,and are therefore reasonable.Aiming for balance and determination,legislation differs methodologically from the doctrines of criminal law which believe that the legal system should be reasonable and that there should be no loopholes in the legal interpretation of the law.Academics who believe in the doctrines of criminal law usually use a presupposed framework for analyzing the thoughts of criminal law to criticize the provisions or articles of criminal law which are intended for performing the task of modern social governance.This criticism,in a sense,is a cross-border dialogue which is limited in significance,for the actual effects of legislation will not disappear due to the criticism of criminal law,and excessive legislative skepticism is bound to put criminal law theory in opposition to legislative practice from the very beginning,thus restricting the potential of the doctrines of criminal law for producing a concrete impact on the sound legislation in the future.The active criminal law legislation has brought new opportunities for the development of the doctrines of criminal law:shifting from building a theoretical system to thinking of problem solution,fully unfolding the difficult problems raised by legislation,especially reasonable explanation of the constituent elements,and careful combing of conflicts and convergences between different crimes,can all enhance the adaptability of criminal law doctrine.In the era of active legislation,the doctrines of criminal law must realize the transformation of concept and the expansion of methodology as soon as possible.
作者 周光权 Zhou Guangquan
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法治现代化研究》 2021年第5期1-13,共13页 Law and Modernization
关键词 刑法功能主义 立法活跃化 刑法教义学 观念转变 方法论拓展 functionalism in criminal law active legislation doctrines of criminal law conceptual transformation methodological extension
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