

Local Feelings, Entrepreneur Talent and Road of Farmer Cooperatives with Chinese Characteristics:Taking Guizhou Niangniang Tea Cooperative as an Example
摘要 中国农民合作社是走以日本、韩国为代表的东亚农协道路,还是欧美"新一代合作社"的企业化道路,抑或中国特色的道路,在社会和学术界存在争论。通过对贵州娘娘茶合作社的实地调查和相关人员的深度访谈,为回答以上争论提供经验证据,从一个侧面证实中国特色农民合作社道路发展的可行性。异化的合作社不是中国特色,有乡土情怀、企业家才能的精英(大户和企业家)领办的合作社只要符合合作社的本质规定和核心原则,使农民得到了收益并获得他们的认可,就是中国特色的合作社道路的有益探索。这样的合作社在发展初期即使运作不规范,也会在发展过程中不断完善,从而探索出中国的合作社之路。中国"三农"现状和合作社发展的阶段性是中国特色的合作社道路的现实依据,鼓励有乡土情怀、企业家才能的城乡精英带领农民组建合作社,是实现合作社规范运行和可持续发展的现实路径,是中国特色的农民合作的有益探索。 There is a debate in the social and academic circles on whether Chinese farmers’ cooperatives should follow the path of East Asian agricultural cooperatives represented by Japan and South Korea, or the entrepreneurial path of“new generation cooperatives”in Europe and America, or the path with Chinese characteristics. Through the field investigation of Guizhou Niangniang Tea Cooperative and in-depth interviews with relevant personnel, empirical evidence was provided to answer the above debates and the feasibility of the development of farmers’ cooperatives with Chinese characteristics was confirmed from one side. Alienated cooperatives are not Chinese characteristics. As long as the cooperatives run by elites(big families and entrepreneurs) with local feelings and entrepreneurial talent conform to the essential provisions and core principles of cooperatives and enable farmers to gain benefits and gain their recognition, it is a beneficial exploration of the path of cooperatives with Chinese characteristics. Even if the operation of such cooperatives is not standardized in the early stage of development, they will continue to improve in the development process, so as to explore the road of China’s cooperatives. The phases of China’s“three rural”status and cooperative development is the realistic basis of cooperative road with Chinese characteristics. Encouraging rural elites with local feelings and entrepreneurial ability to lead farmers to form cooperatives is a realistic way to realize standardized operation and sustainable development of cooperatives, and a beneficial exploration of farmer cooperative with Chinese characteristics.
作者 聂洪辉 刘义程 NIE Honghui;LIU Yicheng(School of Politics and Law,Shangrao Normal University,Shangrao,Jiangxi 334001,China)
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2022年第1期1-12,共12页 Journal of Yibin University
基金 国家社科基金课题“基于合作意识与合作能力的农民合作社可持续发展研究”(18BSH135)。
关键词 乡土情怀 企业家才能 综合功能 中国特色的农民合作社 local feelings entrepreneurial talent comprehensive function peasant cooperatives with Chinese characteristics
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