https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/energy-and-buildings/vol/255/suppl/C Volume 255,15 January 2022(1)Field measurements and numerical analysis on operating modes of a radiant floor heating aided by a warm air system in a large single-zone church,by Ying Zhang,Chenbo Zhao,Thomas Olofsson,et al,Article 111646(OA)Abstract:Space heating can constitute 60%~80%of the total energy use of buildings in cold climates.Efficient heating techniques in buildings still rely on operating strategies.In this paper,a church with radiant floor heating in a cold climate is taken as a case of a large single-zone building to analyze the energy use for heating.Field measurements and numerical analysis are both used in the study.Different operating modes of heating,including intermittent heating and constant set-point heating,are compared for energy saving,reliability on indoor climate,and thermal comfort.The intermittent heating by an allair system with supplied air temperature control results in the highest energy use.The constant set-point air temperature radiant floor heating aided by a warm air system(return air temperature control)is least affected by outdoor temperature with the best reliability and met the thermal comfort requirements throughout the heating season.
Building Energy Efficiency