Zhong Liang,male,chief physician,professor,PhD supervisor.He graduated from Shanghai MedicalUniversity (now Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University) in 1985,majoring in medical treatment.Currently he serves as the Director of the Digestive Endoscopy Center and the Deputy Director of theGastroenterology Department of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, the Executive Vice Presidentand the Exccutive Director of the Gastroenterology Department of Huashan North Hospital, the StandingCommittee Member of the Chinese Society of Gastroenterology Endoscopy, and the Deputy Director of the EUSGroup of the Chinese Gastroenterology Endoscopy Branch,the Executive Committee Member of theAsia-Pacific Ultrasound Endoscopy Alliance, the Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese MedicalDoctor Association Endoscopy Branch.
Surgical Research and New Technique