人类对于野生动物的影响复杂多样,其中家养动物所产生的干扰往往被忽视,例如保护区林缘社区饲养的家犬。半散放的家犬(Canis familiaris)进入野生动物栖息地,对保护区内以大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)为代表的野生动物可能产生重要影响。为明确家犬进入林区活动范围对大熊猫的影响,本研究采用红外相机技术和GPS项圈无线追踪技术对甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内家犬对大熊猫潜在栖息地范围和时间节律的影响进行研究,利用MaxEnt模型对家犬活动范围及大熊猫潜在栖息地进行预测。结果表明:甘肃白水江国家级自然保护区内大熊猫潜在栖息地面积为885.8 km^(2),约占保护区总面积的48.2%;家犬活动面积为861.2 km^(2),约占保护区总面积的47.6%。家犬活动范围与大熊猫潜在栖息地重叠的面积约占保护区面积的28.2%,且多集中在低海拔的常绿阔叶林。大熊猫在有家犬出现的位点和没有家犬出现的位点日活动节律具有显著差异。本研究揭示了家犬进入林区对大熊猫栖息地潜在影响的空间范围,为保护区开展生物多样性管理提供了关键信息,对于其他保护区具有借鉴意义。
Aims:Anthropogenic interferences have various forms such as domestic animals,in which many have significant negative impacts but are consistently ignored in conservation planning.Most domestic dogs in Baishuijiang live with humans but act as semi-feral dogs since they are allowed to enter forests,including nature reserve,during most of the year(except for planting periods).During these periods of freedom,their home range,activity pattern,and most importantly,interaction with wild animals,remains unknown.To fill this knowledge gap,we chose the giant panda to study the response of wildlife to free-ranging dogs due to the spatial overlap of domestic dogs and giant pandas in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve.Our objective was to:(1)track the extent of dog movements in and around nature reserve,and(2)evaluate the percent area of nature reserve where giant panda may come in contact with domestic dogs.Methods:To understand the extent of the impact free-range domestic dogs have on giant pandas,we used infrared cameras and GPS collars to study the repercussions of domestic dogs entering nature reserve and affecting the wildlife.We also constructed a MaxEnt model to estimate the spatial overlap of domestic dogs and giant pandas in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve.Results:The suitable habitat for giant pandas in nature reserve is 885.8 km^(2),around 48.2%of the overall area,while the area of domestic dog distribution is 861.2 km^(2),or 47.6%of the nature reserve.The overlap between domestic dogs and giant panda habitat is 28.2%of the entire nature reserve.There are significant differences in activity rhythms of giant pandas between sites with and without dog detection.Conclusion:These results indicate the extent to which the trespassing of domestic dogs has affected giant pandas.The negative impact of residential areas could result in a combination of human activities(e.g.,poaching,farming,livestock grazing,automobile traffic),requiring distinctive solutions to eliminate.We suggest any major residents close to nature reserves should restrain dogs at residences.Taking account for the effects of dog’s movements and habitat use in the nature reserve is essential for a comprehensive conservation framework.
Jirong Teng;Xingming Liu;Liwen He;Junliang Wang;Jian Huang;Jie Feng;Fang Wang;Yue Weng(Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve,Longnan,Gansu 756400;Shan Shui Conservation Center,Beijing 100871;Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering,School of Life Sciences,Fudan University,Shanghai 200438)
Biodiversity Science