
肌内效贴改善乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿疗效的Meta分析 被引量:4

Kinesio Tape on Breast Cancer-related Lymphedema:A Meta-analysis
摘要 目的系统评价肌内效贴(Kinesio Tape,KT)治疗乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿的疗效。方法计算机检索PubMed、Web Science、EMBASE、Cochrane library、OVID、EBSCO、中国生物医学数据库(CBM)、万方、知网、维普数据库中关于KT治疗乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿的随机对照试验,检索时间均从建库至2019年12月,使用RevMan 5.3软件对数据进行定量综合。结果最终纳入文献10篇,包括473名患者。Meta分析结果显示,常规治疗联合使用KT引流的患者淋巴水肿程度较治疗前减轻,合并效应有统计学意义[SMD=-0.55,95%CI:(-0.97,-0.13),P=0.01]。使用KT和绷带后的两组患者淋巴水肿程度无差异,合并效应无统计学意义[SMD=0.31,95%CI:(-0.03,0.64),P=0.07]。定性描述中3项研究结果显示使用KT后患者生活质量较使用前提高,1项研究显示无差异。结论KT治疗乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿是有效的,在常规治疗的基础上联合KT引流可更好的降低淋巴水肿程度,提高患者生活质量。但考虑到研究数量和质量有限,尚不能得出KT可以取代绷带治疗的结论。 Objective To systematically evaluate the curative effects of Kinesio Tape(KT)on breast cancer-related lymphedema.Methods Randomized controlled trials about Kinesio Tape application in breast cancer-related lymphedema were retrieved from the databases of PubMed,Web Science,EMBASE,Cochrane library,OVID,EBSCO,China Biomedical Database(CBM),Wanfang,China Knowledge Network(CNKI),and Weipu and the data software was synthetically and quantitatively analyzed by Revman 5.3.Results 10 articles were included with 473 cases;according to Metaanalysis,the degree of lymphedema in cases significantly decreased after conventional treatment combined with KT[SMD=-0.55,95%CI:(-0.97,-0.13),P=0.01];there was no statistically significant difference in the degree of lymphedema after treatment between the cases using KT and those using bandage groups[SMD=0.31,95%CI:(-0.03,0.64),P=0.07];In the qualitative description of life quality,3 studies reported that the life quality of cases was higher after using KT and 1 study reported that there was no difference in life quality after KT application.Conclusions KT is effective in treating breast cancer-related lymphedema;Conventional treatment combined with KT better reduces the degree of lymphedema and improves the life quality of cases;given the limited quantity and quality of related studies,it can not conclude that KT can replace bandage in treating breast cancer-related lymphedema.
作者 陈静文 宋美璇 邓波 李显蓉 Chen Jingwen;Song Meixuan;Deng Bo;LI Xianrong(School of Nursing,Southwest Medical University;Department of General Surgery,The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou city,Sichuan Prov⁃ince,646000,P.R.China)
出处 《西南军医》 2021年第4期308-313,共6页 Journal of Military Surgeon in Southwest China
基金 泸州市人民政府-西南医科大学联合课题(项目编号:2019LZXNYDR02) 西南医科大学课题(项目编号:2017-ZRQN-101)。
关键词 肌内效贴 乳腺癌 淋巴水肿 META分析 kinesio tape breast cancer lymphedema meta-analysis
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