

The Trade&Commerce Valued Tendency in Arabic Cultural Traditions
摘要 阿拉伯文化传统结构多元、内涵丰富,“重商”倾向是其中重要的价值取向之一。阿拉伯文化传统中“重商”倾向的形成缘于其独特的地理优势、生产方式和伦理导向。阿拉伯半岛沟通东西的地理优势,使其成为天然商业要道,这是产生“重商”倾向的前提;以经商为基础的生产方式,奠定了产生“重商”倾向的基础;伊斯兰经济伦理思想中的“重商”倾向,继承并发展了阿拉伯固有文化传统的“重商”倾向。“重商”倾向在阿拉伯社会的语言、文学、经济等领域有鲜明的体现,“商人”在阿拉伯语中有“聪明人”之意;《一千零一夜》中的诸多经商故事堪为古代阿拉伯商业社会的一面明镜;古代阿拉伯帝国繁盛时期的贸易繁荣不仅体现了阿拉伯文化传统中的“重商”倾向,也进一步强化了“重商”倾向。传统的力量是巨大的,为实现中阿人民真正的“民心相通”,我们应更加重视对阿拉伯文化传统,尤其是其中价值取向的研究,以利于我们在当代构建更具针对性的中阿文明对话与交往体系。 Arabic Cultural Traditions are diverse in structure and rich in connotation,and the trade&commerce valued tendency is one of the important value orientations in this culture.Under the framework of the Belt and Road,we must carry out more in-depth cooperation and association with Arab countries.It is necessary to conduct a more detailed and systematic study of trade&commerce valued tendency in Arabic cultural traditions.The formation of the tendency in the Arabic cultural tradition stems from its unique geographical advantages,production methods and ethical orientation.The geographical advantage of the Arabian Peninsula to communicate east and west makes it a natural business route,providing a prerequisite for the tendency;the production method based on business has laid the foundation for it;Islamic economic ethics inherited the tendency and developed it as well.the trade&commerce valued tendency is clearly manifested in the language,literature,economy and other fields of Arab society.“Businessman”means“smart man”in Arabic;many business stories in One Thousand and One Nights can be regarded as A bright mirror of the ancient Arab commercial society;the prosperity of the ancient Arab empire during the prosperous period not only embodies the trade&commerce valued tendency of Arabic cultural traditions,but also further strengthens the trade&commerce valued tendency.The power of traditions is huge,so we should pay more attention to the study of Arabic cultural traditions,especially the value trends in it,so that we can build more targeted dialogues between Chinese and Arab civilizations and achieve the real“people-to-people communication”.
作者 肖凌 Xiao Ling
出处 《阿拉伯研究论丛》 2021年第1期20-32,共13页 Arab Studies
基金 国家社科基金“阿拉伯当代思想文化中的传统与西化矛盾问题研究”(15CWW012)的成果。
关键词 阿拉伯文化传统 “重商”倾向 价值取向 “一带一路” Arabic Cultural Traditions Trade&Commerce Valued Tendency Ethical Values the Belt and Road
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