

On Letter of Credit Fraud in Arab Countries
摘要 随着“一带一路”建设的不断深化,我国与阿拉伯国家的交流也更加密切。信用证作为国际贸易中普遍使用的一种结算工具,更频繁地出现在经贸往来中,信用证欺诈问题也日益突出。伊斯兰法禁止欺诈,但现代阿拉伯国家的相关法律规范缺位,只能靠法官在判决中的自由裁量进行信用证欺诈的认定。然而,不同法院的认定标准并不统一,在处理虚假单据、货物无价值等影响基础合同的因素中未能采用严格的“实质性欺诈”标准,导致了欺诈例外的误用以及止付机制的滥用,严重破坏了信用证的独立性。我国对信用证的欺诈与止付问题有专门的规定,在应对阿拉伯国家的信用证欺诈纠纷时,应争取适用我国法律,最大限度地规避风险,保障贸易效率与安全。 With the deepening of the“Belt and Road”construction,the exchanges between China and Arab countries have become closer.As a commonly used settlement instrument in international trade,letters of credit appear more frequently in economic and trade transactions,and the problem of letter of credit fraud has become increasingly prominent.Fraud is prohibited by Islamic law,but the absence of relevant legal norms in modern Arab countries leaves the determination of letter of credit fraud to the discretion of judges in their decisions.However,different courts have not applied the same standard and have failed to apply a strict“substantive fraud”standard in dealing with factors affecting the underlying contract,such as false documents and worthless goods,leading to the misuse of the fraud exception and the abuse of the stop payment mechanism,which has seriously undermined the independence of letters of credit.China has special regulations on fraud and stop payment of letters of credit.When dealing with disputes over fraudulent letters of credit in Arab countries,we should strive to apply our laws to avoid risks to the maximum extent and safeguard trade efficiency and security.
作者 李仁龙 Li Renlong
出处 《阿拉伯研究论丛》 2021年第1期54-72,共19页 Arab Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目“独立担保制度的本土体系构建研究”(19BFX124)的阶段性成果。
关键词 阿拉伯国家 伊斯兰法 信用证 信用证欺诈 Arab Countries Islamic Law Letter of Credit Letter of Credit Fraud
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  • 1来云龙.国际贸易风险与法律保护──论信用证欺诈及其司法救济[J].南京政治学院学报,2000,16(2):24-26. 被引量:3
  • 2李金泽.UCP600与信用证法律风险防控[M].北京:法律出版社,2007.
  • 31989年6月12日最高人民法院.《全国沿海地区涉外、涉港澳经济工作座谈会纪要》.
  • 4Sztejn v. J. Henry Schroder Banking Corp. 31 NYS 2d 631(1941).
  • 5See UCPS00, Article 3.
  • 6See Revised UCC(Unlform Commercial Code of the United States of America) ,Article 5.
  • 7See for example, NMC Enterprises, Inc v. Columbia Broadcasting Sys., Inc. ,14 U.C.C. Rep. 1427 (N. Y. Sup. Ct. 1974. ).
  • 8See for example, In re Marine Distributors Inc 522 F.2d 791 (9th Cir. 1975)
  • 9Baker v. National Boulevard Bank, 399 F Supp 1021 (N.D.m. 1975. )
  • 10Harvey Estates Construction Co v. Dry Dock Savings Bank of New York, 381 F.Supp. 271 (W. D.Okla. 1974. ).









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