4W. Spencer Guthrie, E. I. T, Stephen Sebesta, Tom Scullion, P. E. , Selecting Optimum Cement Contens for Stablizing Aggregate Base Materials(Report No:FHWA/ TX--05/7--4920--2 )[R], The Texas A&M Universi- ty, Texas Transportation Institute, 2001.
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7Wayne S. Adaska, David R. Luhr. Control of Reflective Cracking in Cement Stabilized Pavements[C], 5th Inter- national RILEM Conference, Limoges, France, May 2004.
8Tom Scullion, P. E.. Field Investigation: Pre-- Cracking of Soil- Cement Bases to Reduce Reflection Cracking [C], TRB 2002 Annual Meeting, Transportation Re- search Board, Washington, D. C. , 2002, Paper No; TRB 00499.
9Stephen Sebesta and Tom Scullion, P. E.. Effectiveness of Minimizing Reflective Cracking in Cement- Treated Bases by Mieroeracking(Report No:FHWA/TX--05/0-- 4502-- 1) [R], The Texas A&M University, Texas Transportation Institute, 2004.
10Stephen Sebesta. Continued evaluatio in TEXAS(Report No : FHWA/TX [R], The Texas A&M University, n of mierocracking - 06/0 -- 4502 -- 2) Texas Transporta- tion Institute, 2005.