
体育与健康学科核心素养基本理论问题审思--基于《课程标准》运动能力、健康行为的辨正 被引量:16

The Basic Theoretical Issues Reflection on Subject Key Competences of Physical Education and Health Discipline——Based on Clarification of Sports Ability and Health Behavior in Curriculum Standard
摘要 基于《普通高中体育与健康课程标准(2017年版)》中的两大学科核心素养——“运动能力”“健康行为”提出和界说的基本理论问题而展开,旨在对相关认识、理论偏误与不足予以厘清、修正和完善,以及更为全面、充分发挥体育与健康学科的育人价值。研究认为:1)“运动能力”的界说存在不恰与缺陷。从基本界定来看,技战术能力和心理能力不宜指向“身体活动的基础”及“基本运动能力”,基本运动能力与专项运动能力难以区分,并且“运动”在上下位概念中存在混用;从分目标来看,其构成超出“运动能力”的范畴,以及部分表述理想化。2)“健康行为”的定位及表述存在偏差与失当。“健康行为”不能突显、含括健康追求的“非行为”性、效应性素养,难以体现体育(课)在健康追求中的主体地位,无法纳入健康知识、意识、技能等要素,以及分目标和水平划分中的部分内容不宜归为健康行为等。3)对“运动能力”与“健康行为”修正、调适的考量因素主要有:运动能力内涵限定及外延界分问题;体育与健康的关联问题,本学科健康相关核心素养与一般性健康素养、体育(身体)素养等的参照与区分问题;体能的归属问题(体能应归为运动能力还是健康相关素养)等。其中,作为对“健康行为”的调适和超越,本学科健康相关核心素养的提出应虑及我国体育与健康课程的指导思想、目标,体育的有限健康促进特征,课程的不同构成(体育与健康教育)及其主体,以及健康素养、体育素养等构成的多维性。 Based on the basic theoretical issues of conceptualizations and definitions of “sports of ability” and “health behavior”, the key competences in two subjects in National Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standard of Senior High Schools(2017 Edition), this article aims to clarify, revise and improve the relevant understanding and theories, and give full play to the educational value of physical education and health curriculum in a more comprehensive way. It’s considered that: 1) There are inconsistencies in the definition of “sports ability”. From the perspective of basic definition, technical and tactical ability and psychological ability should not refer to “the foundation of physical activity” and “basic sports ability”. It’s difficult to distinguish between basic sports ability and specialized item sports ability;“sports” is blended in hyponymy of concepts;the composition of sub-targets is beyond the category of “sports ability”, and the expressions of part of sub-targets are idealistic. 2) The positioning and formulation of “health behavior” is biased and inappropriate. “Health behavior” lacks the “non-behavioral” and resultative competences of health pursuit.It’s difficult to reflect the dominance of physical education(curriculum) in health pursuit, and it can’t contain health knowledge,health consciousness and health skills, etc., and part of the content in sub-targets and levels division shouldn’t have belonged to health behavior. 3) The consideration of the modification and adjustment of “sports ability” and “health behavior” mainly include:the connotation definition and denotation demarcation of “sports ability”;the association between physical education and health;the comparison and distinction among health-related literacies of the subject, health literacy and physical literacy;the attribution of physical conditioning(whether physical conditioning belongs to sports ability or health-related literacies). As the adaptation and transcendence of “health behavior”, the proposal of health-related key competences of the subject should take into account the guiding ideologies and targets of physical education and health curriculum, the characteristics of limited health promotion of physical education, the different compositions of curriculum(physical education and health education), and the multi-dimensional compositions of health literacy and physical literacy.
作者 熊文 XIONG Wen(College of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期88-96,F0003,共10页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(19ATY003)。
关键词 体育与健康学科 学科核心素养 课程标准 运动能力 健康行为 基本理论 physical education and health curriculum subject key competences curriculum standard sports ability health behavior basic theory
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