
基于“形色APP”筛选广州中心城区致敏花粉植物 被引量:7

Screening Allergenic Pollen Plants in Central Urban Areas of Guangzhou Based on "Xingse APP"
摘要 【目的】调查广州中心城区致敏花粉植物的分布情况,为防治季节性过敏性鼻炎(花粉症)和合理的城市绿化建设提供科学的依据。【方法】使用"形色APP"识别广州中心城区内13个调查区域的植物,筛选出调查区域内可产生致敏花粉的植物。【结果】共计发现102个科,265个属,311个种植物,有38个属的植物为可产生致敏花粉植物,占比为14.3%;其中,广州本土植物为20个(52.6%),非广州本土植物为18种(47.4%),非本土致敏花粉植物种类将近达广州城区致敏花粉植物种类总数的一半,且每一个属的非本土致敏花粉植物分布密度大于本土致敏花粉植物的。禾本科分布最广,全部调查地点皆可见,发现率为100%,禾本科下分属的致敏花粉植物最多,为6种(15.8%),分别为狗牙根属、稗属、狗尾草属、狼尾草属、芦苇属和马唐属。11个调查地点可见杧果属和羊蹄甲属,发现率为84.6%。【结论】广州市中心城区出现了不合理的城市绿化的现象,栽植了不少致敏花粉植物,有38个属(14.3%)的植物属于可产生致敏花粉的植物,本土(52.6%)与非本土(47.4%)致敏花粉植物将近各占一半,从源头上增加了气传致敏花粉的种类和数量,可能会导致花粉症的发病风险上升。城市绿化规划时,应减少致敏花粉植物的栽植。 【Objective】To investigate the distribution of allergenic pollen plants in the central urban areas of Guangzhou,and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis(hay fever)and reasonable urban greening construction.【Methods】The "Xingse APP" was used to identify the plants in 13 survey sites in the central urban areas of Guangzhou,and the plants that could produce allergenic pollen in the survey areas were screened out.【Results】A total of 102 families,265 genera,311 species of plants were found;38 genera of plants,among which 20(52.6%)were native to Guangzhou and 18(47.4%)were not native to Guangzhou,can produce allergenic pollen. The non-native allergenic pollen plant species accounted for nearly half of the total number of sensitized pollen plant species in Guangzhou urban areas,and the distribution density of non-native allergenic pollen plants in each genus was higher than that of native allergenic pollen plants. Poaceae was the most widely distributed,with a discovery rate of 100%. The most abundant sensitive pollen plants were 6 species(15.8%)belonging to Poaceae,which were Cynodon,Echinochloa,Setaria,Pennisetum,Phragmites and Digitaria. Mangifera and Bauhinia were found in 11 sites,and the discovery rate was 84.6%.【Conclusions】Unreasonable urban greening has occurred in downtown Guangzhou,and many allergenic pollen plants have been planted. Thirty-eight genera(14.3%)of plants belong to plants that can produce allergic pollen,of which native(52.6%)and non-local(47.4%)allergenic pollen plants account for nearly half. Increasing the types and quantities of gas-sensitized pollen from the source may lead to an increase in the risk of hay fever. When planning urban greening,the cultivation of allergic pollen plants should be reduced.
作者 熊国威 成昀 粟静 黄雪琨 黎雅婷 郑瑞 周琪琳 XIONG Guo-wei;CHENG Yun;SU Jing;HUANG Xue-kun;LI Ya-ting;ZHENG Rui;ZHOU Qi-lin(Department of Allergy,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510630,China;De partment of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510630,China;Department of Pediatrics,The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guang zhou 510630,China)
出处 《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期27-34,共8页 Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University:Medical Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(82071019)。
关键词 致敏花粉 花粉过敏 花粉症 城市绿化 广州 形色APP allergenic pollen pollen allergy hay fever urban greening Guangzhou Xingse APP
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