
长江流域海铁联运模式下港口集疏运物流网络研究 被引量:4

Port Collection and Distribution Logistics Network under Sea-Rail Combined Transport Mode in Yangtze River Basin
摘要 为加快构建长江流域综合立体交通走廊,提出以海铁联运模式为主的港口集疏运物流网络。根据复杂网络的中心性理论选取度中心度、中间中心度、接近中心度和特征向量中心度构建城市物流连通性评价指标,结合收敛相关算法对城市进行分类,筛选出长江流域海铁联运物流网络的枢纽城市;建立以物流成本最小化为目标,考虑枢纽城市铁路运输规模效益的整数规划模型,以模拟退火算法求解该模型,构建以南京、武汉、重庆、株洲、鹰潭为枢纽的海铁联运物流网络。研究发现,铁路运输的单位成本随运输规模和运输距离的提升而降低;与各城市不经枢纽的单一运输模式相比,货物由海铁联运物流网络运输可获得更大的运输规模效益,使其产生的运输成本更低,可节省约20.5%的物流成本。 To accelerate the construction of a comprehensive transportation corridor in the Yangtze River Basin,this paper proposed to build a logistics network with the sea-rail combined transportation mode as the main port collection and distribution.According to the centrality theory of the complex network,this paper selected the degree centrality,betweenness centrality,clossesness centrality,and eigenvector centrality to construct the evaluation index of urban logistics connectivity.It combined the CONCOR algorithm to classify the cities and selected the hub cities of the sea-rail combined transport logistics network in the Yangtze River Basin.Meanwhile,an integer programming model to minimize logistics costs considering the scale benefits of railway transportation was built,which was solved with simulated annealing algorithm.Finally,a sea-rail combined transport logistics network was constructed,with Nanjing,Wuhan,Chongqing,Zhuzhou,Yingtan as the hub cities.After empirical analysis,it is found that the unit cost of railway transportation reduces with the increase in transportation scale and transportation distance.Compared with the single transportation mode without hub cities,the sea-rail combined transport logistic network can receive a greater transport scale benefit.Transportation through the network can effectively reduce the logistics cost by 20.5%.
作者 李安林 魏海蕊 LI Anlin;WEI Hairui(Business School,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《铁道运输与经济》 北大核心 2022年第1期52-58,66,共8页 Railway Transport and Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71801150)。
关键词 海铁联运 物流网络 长江流域 港口集疏运 整数规划模型 规模效益 Sea-rail Combined Transport Logistic Network Logistics in the Yangtze River Basin Port Collection and Distribution Integer Programming Model Scale Benefits
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