
浅谈臭氧在水产品加工中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Ozone in Aquatic Products Processing
摘要 臭氧(O_(3))的高反应性、强渗透性、强氧化性、易分解、残留度低等优点,可高效清除水产品上附着的细菌、真菌,已作为一种高效的抑菌剂广泛应用于各种食品工业中。臭氧在我国水产品保鲜加工中主要被应用于保鲜、去海水异味、脱色及食品加工生产设备中的清洗脱水消毒等多个方面。本文主要概述了臭氧产生的化学原理和基本化学性质,以及臭氧在相关应用领域的发展历史,并对现代臭氧技术在各类水产品及深加工领域中的主要应用及其研究成果进行深入探讨。 Ozone(O_(3))has strong oxidation,easy decomposition and low residue.It can effectively remove bacteria and fungi attached to aquatic products.It has been widely used in various food industries as an efficient bacteriostatic agent.Ozone is mainly used in the fresh-keeping processing of aquatic products in China,such as fresh-keeping,removing seawater odor,decolorization,cleaning,dehydration and disinfection of food processing and production equipment.This paper mainly summarizes the chemical principle and basic chemical properties of ozone,as well as the development history of ozone in related application fields,and deeply discusses the main applications and research results of modern ozone technology in various aquatic products and deep processing fields.
作者 张雯 ZHANG Wen(Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities,Duyun 558000)
出处 《食品安全导刊》 2022年第1期133-135,共3页 China Food Safety Magazine
基金 黔南民族师范学院校级项目“黔南州冷水鱼繁殖育种与养殖技术研究与应用”(QNSY2018CG007)。
关键词 水产品加工 臭氧 应用 aquatic product processing ozone application
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