如果饮用水中的土臭素与2-甲基异莰醇的含量超标,往往会造成致嗅现象。因此,供水企业对这类嗅味物质的有效去除一直十分关注。在实践中,通过传统方法很难实现有效去除,且对这类嗅味物质的检测与分析也存在诸多不足。本文应用自动SPME技术连接thermo scientifi c^(TM )ISQ 7000 GCMS,实现了对2-甲基异莰醇和土臭素的高效率、高灵敏度的检测,其最低检出质量浓度分别为1.0 ng/L和0.49 ng/L,满足饮用水中土臭素和2-甲基异莰醇的检测要求。
If the content of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in drinking water exceeds the standard,it often causes olfactory phenomenon,and the effective removal of these odors has been the concern of water supply enterprises.In practice,it is diffi cult to remove effectively by traditional methods,and there are many defi ciencies in the detection and analysis of such odor ant.In this paper,automatic SPME technology was used to connect thermo scientifi cTM ISQ 7000 GCMS,and the detection of 2-methylisoborenol and geosmin was achieved with high efficiency and high sensitivity,and its the minimum detection concentrations were 1.0 n g/L and 0.49 ng/L respectively,meet the requirements of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol detection in drinking water.
Yang Haiyi(Kaili Ecological Environment Monitoring Center,Kaili 556000,China)
Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology