
论海德格尔技术观视域下人的异化问题——从“常人”到“千篇一律” 被引量:1

On the Alienation of Human Beings from the Perspective of Martin Heidegger’s View of Technology:From“They”to“Sameness”
摘要 在海德格尔看来,人的异化状态可分为两种。一种是古代技术时期的“常人”,另一种是现代技术统治下人之“千篇一律”的持存。在古代技术时期,虽然技术没有直接引起人的异化,但为人的异化提供了场域。伴随技术的发展,“常人”逐渐确立起精确性的思维模式,边缘化了哲学性的沉思,进而被褫夺为“千篇一律”的持存物。与此同时,整个世界的意蕴也在技术的促逼中日益贫困化。此在在如此之境遇中逐渐从古之“常人”转向现代之“千篇一律”。此在要想摆脱人的异化状态,必须不断反思现代技术之本质,厘清“常人”产生的原因,进而直面其最本己的可能——死亡。突发的新冠肺炎疫情将大量的技术之限定和死亡之经验不断地摆置到此在的面前,为其洞察技术之本质、直面死亡之本己,进而脱离异化状态,提供了契机。 According to Martin Heidegger,there are two kinds of alienation.One is the“They”in the ancient technological period,while the other is the“Sameness”of the people under the rule of modern technology.Both of them result from the nature of companion technology.In the ancient technological period,technology provided a field for the emergence of alienation,although it did not directly make people alienated.With the continuous progress of technology,people also gradually establish a precise scientific mode of thinking,giving up the philosophical meditation.The world is suppressed by technology from the ancient world of“Meaning”and“Hierarchy”to the world of“Wrinkle-free”retention.In such a field,Dasein is pushed from a state of“Something to find”to a state of“Nothing to find”by technology,and is gradually transformed to a state of“Sameness”of advanced material.The reasons for the deepening of alienation are analyzed and it is pointed out that people should further meditate on how they should seek authentic life in the epidemic era.
作者 陆文斌 陈发俊 LU Wenbin;CHEN Fajun(Department of Philosophy,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)
出处 《山东科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期17-26,共10页 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSKY2019D109) 安徽省高等学校研究生科学研究项目(YJS20210106)。
关键词 海德格尔 此在 “常人” “千篇一律” 疫情时代 Heidegger Dasein They Sameness epidemic era
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