目的探讨乳腺癌L-型氨基酸转运蛋白1(LAT1)基因的表达及小动物正电子断层扫描仪(micro-PET)示踪检测乳腺癌的价值。方法检测乳腺癌细胞LAT1 mRNA和蛋白表达水平,以^(18)F-氟环丁烷羧酸(^(18)F-FACBC)为显像剂的micro-PET示踪检测裸鼠种植的乳腺癌。结果非致瘤乳腺细胞系MCF-10A表达低水平的LAT1 mRNA和蛋白,而恶性的癌细胞系MCF-7表达高水平的LAT1 mRNA和蛋白;抑制LAT1可抑制乳腺癌细胞增殖;以^(18)F-FACBC为显像剂的micro-PET能有效检测裸鼠种植的乳腺癌。结论乳腺癌高表达LAT1,LAT1可作为诊断乳腺癌的生物标志物,^(18)F-FACBC与LAT1可用于micro-PET示踪检测乳腺癌。
Objective:To investigate the expression of LAT1 gene in breast cancer and the value of micro-PTE tracing in detection of breast cancer.Methods:The expressions of LAT1 mRNA and protein in breast cancer cells were analyzed.^(18)F-FACBC was used as the imaging agent of micro-PET to detect breast cancer in nude mice.Results:MCF-10A,a nontumorigenic breast cell line,expressed low level of LAT1 mRNA and protein,while MCF-7,a malignant breast cell line,expressed high level of LAT1 mRNA and protein;The inhibiting of LAT1 inhibited the proliferation of breast cancer cells,and micro-PET with ^(18)F-FACBC imaging agent could effectively detected the breast cancer in nude mice.Conclusion:LAT1 is highly expressed in breast cancer and can be used as a biomarker for the diagnosis of breast cancer,and ^(18)F-FACBC and LAT1 can be used to trace breast cancer with micro-PET.
SUN Xinliu(Central Laboratory,Taian Central Hospital,Taian 271000,China)
Journal of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences