

How Gender Justice Become Possible in Historical Materialism of Marxism
摘要 关于正义论题探讨的历史是漫长而悠久的,但一直以来女性却被排斥在论题之外,女性在社会上一直处于弱势地位,容易遭受不公正的对待和一些显性或隐性的限制。随着人类社会文明的进步与发展的需要,性别正义问题变得更加突出和更亟待解决。因此,要基于唯物史观对其溯本寻源,探求解决路径。唯物史观认为历史的主体是人,历史不过是追求着自己目的的人的活动而已,其根本的立足点在于“具体的、现实的”人,最高阶段的目标是实现每个人自由而全面的发展,而如果把女性群体排除在这一目标之外,必然也不可能实现完整意义上的每个人自由而全面的发展。因此,基于马克思主义唯物史观探讨性别正义问题,对于构建符合时代特征的性别正义理论、促进社会和谐发展、促进女性自由而全面的发展进而实现最高阶段目标具有重大的理论和现实意义。 The issue of justice has long been under discussion,but women have always been excluded from such discussion.Women have always been in a disadvantaged position in society and are vulnerable to unfair and some explicit or implicit treatments.With the advancement of human civilization and the need for further development,the issue of gender justice becomes more prominent and needs to be solved urgently.Historical materialism is the basis to trace the origin of gender justice and seek solution.Historical materialism believes that the subject of history is people,and history is nothing but the activities of people pursuing their own goals.Its foundation lies in“concrete and realistic”people.The final goal of is to realize everyone's freedom and comprehensiveness.If the female is excluded,it is inevitably impossible to achieve the free and comprehensive development of everyone in the complete sense.Therefore,exploring the issue of gender justice based on Marxist historical materialism has great theoretical and practical significance for constructing a gender justice theory that conforms to the characteristics of the times,promoting harmonious development of society,promoting women's free and comprehensive development,and achieving the highest goal.
作者 闫涛 李樑 YAN Tao;LI Liang(Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China)
出处 《山东女子学院学报》 2022年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of Shandong Women's University
基金 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目“伟大改革开放精神研究”(项目编号:TJKS20XSX—016)。
关键词 唯物史观 社会性别 性别正义 人的全面发展 historical materialism social gender gender justice human all-round development
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