
数字协商民主:认知边界、行政价值与实践空间 被引量:34

Digital Deliberative Democracy:Definition,Administrative Values and Implementation Space
摘要 互联网和数字技术的兴起与发展,深刻地影响着人类对于民主政治的思考,并在不断为自己开拓发展空间的同时改变着民主政治的制度形式与实践路径。作为一种复兴直接参与理想的民主形式,协商民主也毫无疑问地受到互联网和数字技术变革的影响,由此产生了数字协商民主的新形式。数字协商民主具有协商民主的一般性特征,同时又具有广泛参与的可行性、议题选择的丰富性、协商对话的平等性、民主效果的即时性等差异性特征。数字协商民主能够借助数字技术将多样性空间中的利益主体联结起来,实现充分信息条件下的科学决策,释放个体与组织活力打开民主空间,引导民众逐步养成民主精神与素养,加强对于公共权力运作的监督。数字协商民主的实践空间,既有赖于技术支持力获得突破和允许的程度,也取决于总体性的宏观制度结构在何种程度上持续释放民主的活力。 The emergence and development of the internet and other digital technologies is profoundly shaping our thinking about democratic politics and expanding the possible space for the development of the human race.It is also changing the institutional forms of and our practical approaches to democratic politics.As a democratic form revitalizing the ideal of direct participation of the ancient past,deliberative democracy also faces the repercussions from the development of the internet and other digital technologies.A new form of digital deliberative democracy emerged as a result.With similar features of other forms of deliberative democracy,digital deliberative democracy is distinguished for its broad participation,wide-ranging topics,equal communication and instantaneity.Through digital technologies,digital deliberative democracy can link the stakeholders in a diversified space together and then facilitate reasonable decision-making under the circumstance of sufficient information flow,broaden the democratic space by enabling activism of both individuals and organizations,foster democratic values and mentalities among citizens,and improve the supervision on public power.The practice of digital deliberative democracy is contingent both on the development and acceptance of relevant technologies and the macro-level institutional structures that are expected to consistently tap the potential for democracy.
作者 陈家刚 Chen Jiagang(School of Marxism,Renmin University of China;Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期26-32,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“人民政协与国家治理体系研究”(编号:19JZD026)。
关键词 数字协商民主 数字技术 制度规范 民主治理 digital deliberative democracy digital technology institution governance
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