
19世纪埃及与现代世界体系的历史互动 被引量:1

Historical Interaction between Egypt and the Modern World System in the 19^(th) Century
摘要 19世纪穆罕默德·阿里及其家族执掌的埃及面对的是由英帝国主导和塑造的全球化世界。19世纪上半期,埃及棉花的大量种植以及由美国南北战争所带来的巨大利益,在为英国提供优质原料的同时,也使埃及在经济上被纳入全球市场。而19世纪中期苏伊士运河的开凿与通航,不仅为亚非欧三大洲的通行提供了诸多便利,也使埃及史无前例地卷入当时快速发展的世界贸易之中。到19世纪下半期,埃及政府主要向英、法大规模海外金融借贷来推动国家发展的模式难以为继,直至1876年宣布国家财政破产。此后,英、法两国开始正式接管埃及的“财政与建设”大权。棉花种植及其产量的陡升锐减、苏伊士运河开凿通航和大规模海外金融借贷等三大历史事件,从表面上看是19世纪英国主导的全球纺织业、国际交通运输业和全球金融业的发展,其实质是埃及从经济到政治被英国殖民主义完全控制与占领。埃及在被纳入现代世界体系的过程中开启了畸形现代化之路的艰辛探索。 Egypt under the control of Muhammad Ali and his family faced a world of globalization dominated and shaped by the British Empire in the 19^(th) century.In the first half of the 19^(th) century,Egypt’s large-scale cotton cultivation and the huge benefits brought about by the American Civil War provided high-quality raw materials for the United Kingdom,and at the same time,Egypt was economically involved in the global market.The excavation and navigation of the Suez Canal in the mid-19^(th) century not only provided unprecedented convenience for Asia,Africa and Europe,but also enabled Egypt to be involved in the rapid development of global trade at that time.By the second half of the 19^(th) century,the Egyptian government’s model of promoting national development through large-scale overseas financial lending came to an end.In 1876,Egypt declared bankruptcy,and Britain and France began to formally take over Egypt’s"finance and construction"power.The three major historical events of cotton planting and its production,the opening of the Suez Canal,and the large-scale overseas financial lending,are the global textile industry,the international transportation industry and the global financial industry dominated by the British in the 19^(th) century.The essence of development is that Egypt was completely controlled and occupied by British colonialism from economy to politics.These three events were connected,and interlocked.Throughout the 19^(th) century,Egypt began the abnormal modernization in the process of being included in the modern world system.
作者 王泰 任钰 Wang Tai;Ren Yu
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期111-133,159,160,共25页 West Asia and Africa
基金 2021年国家社科基金项目“构建中国特色中东史学科三大体系问题研究”(21XSS006) 2018年国家社科基金重大项目“伊斯兰教视域下的宗教对话资料整理与研究”(18ZDA234)子课题“伊斯兰教视域下的宗教对话与人类命运共同体的建构”的阶段性成果 内蒙古自治区“世界史学科提档升级建设项目”的支持。
关键词 埃及 19世纪全球化 现代世界体系 穆罕默德·阿里 Egypt globalization in the 19th century modern world system Muhammad Ali
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