
健康建筑研究现状与发展趋势分析 被引量:6

Analysis of the Current Status and Development Trends of Healthy-Building Research
摘要 建筑环境与人体健康密切相关,COVID-19疫情全球蔓延使得长期居家隔离更凸显了建筑环境对人体生理、心理及社会健康的影响,建筑领域迫切需要采取措施改善建筑环境对人体健康的影响,随着对健康概念理解的逐步深入,缺乏从整体视角对健康建筑的演变进行综合性的分析和评述。通过使用CiteSpace等分析软件对国内外健康建筑相关文献及研究结果进行统计,从文献的分布、演变、热点等方面展开科学计量分析,结果表明:(1)2015年-2020年国内外针对健康建筑的发文年度总量分别增长42%和37%;(2)有关健康建筑国外研究主要集中在气候变化的影响和污染评估方面,而国内则集中于分析制定健康住宅和评价标准;(3)健康建筑的研究热点可归纳为针对地域性需求、社会问题、影响因素,绿色建筑健康性四个方面。未来可进一步基于地域特征进行溯因解释研究,并从统筹整体观角度解析动态机制,研究基于使用者行为的人因交互机制,以及基于循证的健康建筑设计研究与评价。成果可为健康建筑相关研究方向和实践探索提供借鉴和参考。 The built environment is closely related to human health.With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, the problem of long-term home isolation is prominent;this highlights the effect of built environments on human physiological, psychological, and social health. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the effect of built environments on human health. Although the understanding of health concepts has gradually improved, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis and review of the evolution of healthy buildings from a holistic perspective. To more comprehensively understand the correlation and effects of the built environment and human health, this study systematically analyzed and compared the research progress in the field of healthy buildings in different countries at different stages of development from the perspective of the discipline as a whole.Using CiteSpace visualization software, this study did a scientometric analysis of 244 publications and research results related to healthy buildings in China and abroad in terms of literature distribution, evolution, and hotspots. The results showed that(1) the annual total number of publications on healthy buildings in China and abroad increased by 42% and 37% in 2015 and 2020 respectively;(2) the research focus and differences between developed and developing countries in the field of healthy buildings were clearly visible from the distribution of countries and regions;(3) according to a clustering analysis of research keywords, foreign countries tended to focus on social problems such as climate change and pollution assessment,and the focus shifted from building performance to user behavior and perception. Domestic research in general showed a diversified trend,focusing on evaluation standards, equipment, and technology.By relying on the main line of the "demand-mechanism application" of healthy-building research, the research hotspots could be summarized as follows. First, in terms of research on regional demand differences,developed countries focus on such factors as the mechanism of noncommunicable diseases, mental health, well-being, and built environments related to poor lifestyles. In contrast, developing countries focus on the correlation between hygiene, pollution, and other factors of poorly built environments. Second, research on healthy buildings is prominently based on social problems such as climate change, epidemics,refugees, aging, child health, and residential segregation. Third, research on human health, physical factors of the built environment, and the influencing factors under user differences should be further studied. Finally,the health benefits and evaluation of green buildings have been research hotspots.In the future, it is necessary to further explore the connotation and extension of "health";the causal paths, influence boundaries, and dimensions of health and built environments;and their individual differences and dynamics. Also, a study could be done on four aspects: retrospective explanations, integrated holistic views, human-factor interaction mechanisms, and evidence-based design and evaluation. This study did the following:(1) Devised a retrospective explanation of health and built environments based on low-tech and affordable features;(2) strengthened the attention to the current situation, problems, and countermeasures of built-space health for disadvantaged groups and remote areas;(3)researched the dynamic coordination mechanism of built environments from an integrated and holistic perspective;(4) comprehensively clarified the overall effect of multifactor coupling;(5) explored the key indicators and methods to comprehensively characterize health on the basis of using subjects;(6) created intelligent interactive applications with the help of image recognition and deep learning of user behavior preferences;and(7)did progressive, evidence-based designed research of healthy buildings based on existing research results with the goal of long-term health.The results can provide a reference for the research direction and practice explorations related to healthy buildings, which aim to promote the design of a comfortable, healthy, environmentally friendly, and sustainable built environment system through "building behavior". They can also enhance sustainable development in the context of overall population and environmental and ecological health.
作者 郭娇妮 刘小虎 刘晗 陈秋瑜 GUO Jiaoni;LIU Xiaohu;LIU Han;CHEN Qiuyu
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期40-46,共7页 South Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(72042016):重大突发公共卫生事件中的社会治理体系建设——以武汉市为例。
关键词 健康建筑 COVID-19 影响因素 评价标准 人因维度 绿色建筑 healthy building COVID-19 influencing factor evaluation criteria human factor dimension green buildings
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