
笔谈:革命文物红色基因解读与传承 被引量:3

Interpretation and Inheritance of the Red Gene in Revolutionary Cultural Relics
摘要 革命文物的保护修缮、研究阐释、价值传播探索,是文物保护领域的重点工作。近期全国各地依托革命旧址的革命文物保护利用实践,阐释传承中国革命的"红船精神""井冈山精神""苏区精神""长征精神""抗战精神""延安精神",等等,践行了利用红色资源、发扬红色传统的初心和落脚点。例如陕西延安创建革命文物国家文物保护利用示范区,北京革命纪念馆建设"1+N"探索,上海中共一大旧址修缮和新馆舍建设,鄂豫皖革命文物密集片区规划,湖北省红色文物资源分级分类保护,江西红色地标的保护传承,等等,从革命精神传承的视角,挖掘、提炼、阐释革命精神的丰富内涵,突显树立革命精神标识、坚定文化自信、增强国家认同意识等方面的时代价值,在交流互鉴、融合发展中使革命文物工作始终保持蓬勃生机与旺盛活力,由此在城乡发展、乡村振兴、红色旅游中让革命文物大有作为,促进当地的经济社会发展。 In the field of revolutionary cultural relics, the intractable topics include protection and renovation, research and elaboration, and exploration and communication of value.This paper cited the specific cases concerning the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics across China, such as the revolutionary sites in Yan’an, sites of early revolutionary activities of the Communist Party of China(CPC) in Beijing, the Site of the First National Congress of the CPC, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionary Base and others in Hubei, Jiangxi and Chongqing to discuss how to interpret the spirit of the First National Congress of the CPC, the Jinggangshan spirit, the spirit of the Soviet areas, the spirit of the Long March, the Yan’an spirit and the Hongyan culture during China’s revolution. In particular, the commendable cases include the launch of a national demonstration zone for the protection and utilization of cultural relics in Yan’an, the exploration of building a "1+N" revolutionary museum in Beijing, the restoration of the Site of the First National Congress of the CPC and the construction of relevant buildings, the planning of areas with abundant revolutionary cultural relics, the class-and category-based protection system for red cultural relic resources in Hubei Province, as well as the protection and utilization of red landmarks in Nanchang, Ruijin and Jinggangshan in Jiangxi Province.From the perspective of the inheritance of such spirits, this paper proposed that it constitutes the starting point and ultimate goal of utilizing the red resources and promoting the red traditions at the moment to explore, refine and explain the connotation of revolutionary spirits, and highlight the contemporary significance of fostering revolutionary spirits and building strong cultural confidence and the sense of national identity. It is necessary to maintain the vigor and vitality of the work on revolutionary cultural relics through exchanges, mutual learning and integrated development, so that those relics can play a significant role in promoting urban and rural development, rural revitalization and red tourism, and thereby boost the local social and economic development.
作者 陈名杰 薛峰 顾军 程圩 时璐瑶 赵琛 陈飞 厉华 苏春生 Chen Mingjie;Xue Feng;Gu Jun;Cheng Xu;Shi Luyao;Zhao Chen;Chen Fei;Li Hua;Su Chunsheng(Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau,Beijing 100007;The Memorial of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Shanghai 200021;Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage,Beijing 100029;Institute of Culture and Heritage,School of Marxism,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710072;Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism,Wuhan,Hubei 430071;Chongqing Hongyan Alliance Culture Developing Management Center,Chongqing 400042;Huijin Central Revolutionary Base Memorial,Ruijin,Jiangxi 342500)
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2022年第1期5-17,共13页 China Cultural Heritage
关键词 革命文物 红色基因 保护利用 传承发展 延安精神 苏区精神 中共一大会址 北大红楼 鄂豫皖革命根据地 红岩文化 Revolutionary cultural relics red gene protection and utilization inheritance and development Yan’an spirit the spirit of the Soviet areas Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China red building of Peking University Hubei-Henan-Anhui Revolutionary Base Hongyan culture
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