

Sources of Bullets in Armed Struggle by Farmers in West Fujian during Agrarian Revolutionary War
摘要 闽西四大暴动是土地革命战争时期中国共产党领导下轰轰烈烈的农民武装斗争。在党的领导下,闽西革命群众通过筹款购买、创办兵工厂等渠道设法解决农民暴动所需要的枪弹问题。1929年3月,红四军入闽为闽西革命斗争的恢复和发展创造了极为有利的条件。特别是在毛泽东、朱德、陈毅等领导下,红四军通过开展积极的思想斗争,召开了著名的古田会议,纠正了小团体主义等党内错误思想,破除了在枪支调配问题上存在的思想障碍,确立了思想建党、政治建军的根本原则。在毛泽东重视和红四军支持下,闽西地方武装的枪支等武器装备有了明显改善,建立起从赤卫军到游击队再到赤卫团或独立团的三级人民武装力量,并得到迅速发展,为红军的扩大和革命根据地的创建打下重要基础。 The four major uprisings in West Fujian were the vigorous armed struggles of farmers under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the Agrarian Revolutionary War.Under the leadership of the Party,the revolutionary masses in West Fujian tried to solve the problem of bullets needed by farmers’uprisings through fund-raising,purchase,establishment of arsenal and other channels.In March 1929,the entry of the 4^(th) Red Army into Fujian created extremely favorable conditions for the recovery and development of the revolutionary struggle in West Fujian.In particular,under the leadership of Mao Zedong,Zhu De and Chen Yi,the 4^(th) Red Army held the famous Gutian Conference through active ideological struggle,corrected the wrong ideas within the Party such as small collectivism,removed the ideological obstacles existing in the allocation of guns,and established the fundamental principles of ideological and political building of the Party and the army.With the attention of Mao Zedong and the support of the 4^(th) Red Army,the weapons and equipment of local armed forces in West Fujian have been significantly improved.A three-level people’s armed force from the Red guards to guerrillas and then to the Red guards or independent regiments has been established and developed rapidly,laying an important foundation for the expansion of the Red Army and the establishment of revolutionary base areas.
作者 李方祥 杨玉凤 LI Fangxiang;YANG Yufeng(Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350117,China;Longyan University,Longyan,Fujian 364000,China)
出处 《龙岩学院学报》 2022年第1期9-17,52,共10页 Journal of Longyan University
基金 2021年度国家社科基金高校思政课研究专项“中国共产党领导高校思政课建设的百年探索史及其经验研究”(21VSZ018)。
关键词 土地革命 闽西 武装斗争 枪弹 Agrarian Revolution West Fujian armed struggle bullets
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