

Influencing factors related to lifestyle of middle-aged and elderly diabetic patients in rural areas——A case study of “H” district, Beijing
摘要 目的以北京市H区为研究现场,以农村中老年糖尿病患者为研究对象,了解农村中老年糖尿病患者生活方式现状,梳理分析其中的问题,提出改善农村中老年糖尿病居民不良生活方式的相关建议。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法,抽取H区6个乡镇,每个乡镇抽取8个行政村,共抽取48个行政村768名村民进行问卷调查。收集人口学特征、糖尿病患病情况以及与被调查者生活方式和行为习惯,进行单因素分析和非条件Logistic回归分析。结果 768名村民中患糖尿病的204人(28.6%),非条件Logistic回归分析显示,文化程度低、超重和肥胖、连续闲暇时间超过4 h、主食结构以细粮为主、日均油摄入过量会导致患糖尿病的风险增加。结论结合农村中老年糖尿病患者的饮食习惯、运动方式的现状及问题,建议通过适宜实用宣传教育提高健康素养;在"一方水土养一方人"中搭建合理膳食结构;提倡科学的运动时间和方法,减少静态行为过长对健康的损害,从而提高农村居民健康水平并有效预防糖尿病的发生发展。 Objective This study takes the H district of Beijing as the research site and the rural middle-aged and elderly diabetic patients as the research object, to understand the current situation of rural middle-aged and elderly diabetic patients,to sort out and analyze the problems, and to propose measures to improve the unhealthy lifestyle of rural middle-aged and elderly diabetic residents. Methods This study adopts a multi-stage stratified sampling method, taking samples of 6 townships in H district, 8 administrative villages in each township, and a total of 768 villagers from 48 administrative villages for questionnaire survey. At the same time, this study collects demographic characteristics, diabetes prevalence, and lifestyle and behavioral habits of the respondents, and conducts univariate analysis and unconditional logistic regression analysis.Results Among the 768 villagers, 204(28. 6%) suffered from diabetes. According to the unconditional logistic regression analysis, low education, overweight and obesity, continuous leisure time of more than 4 h, diet structure based on refined grains, and excessive average daily oil intake lead to an increased risk of diabetes. Conclusion According to the eating habits, exercise status and problems of middle-aged and elderly diabetic patients in rural areas, this article proposes to improve health literacy through publicity and education;build a reasonable diet structure in “local resources can feed the local people”;promote scientific exercise time and methods to reduce excessive static behavior that damages health, thereby improving the health of rural residents and effectively preventing diabetes.
作者 李懿 吴萍 杨佳 Li Yi;Wu Ping;Yang Jia(School of Public Health,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China)
出处 《医学教育管理》 2022年第1期95-100,共6页 Medical Education Management
基金 北京市教委重点项目:基于协同管理理论的首都农村基层慢性病管理模式研究(SZ201910025008) 北京市科学技术普及专项:健康北京人中老年常见病诊疗推广科普活动(212012221912007)。
关键词 中老年 糖尿病 生活方式 middle-aged and elderly diabetes lifestyle
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