
职业教育学位的形态及其选择:一个供需视角的分析 被引量:3

The Form and Its Choice of Vocational Education Degree: An Analysis from the Perspective of Supply and Demand
摘要 职业教育学位应被视为技术知识生产和运用的证明,其在各国的存在形态有着显著差异。从学位供需的视角来看,影响一国职业教育学位形态主要有两个关键因素:职业高等教育的发展模式和技术技能人才的需求特征。在二者力量的博弈下,职业教育学位形态大致可划分为:以英国为代表的依附型;以美国为代表的传统型;以瑞士、法国等为代表的均衡型;以日本、德国等为代表的市场型。鉴于我国职业本科教育发展仍处于初级阶段,现阶段我国职业教育学位形态主要为传统型,但是从我国产业转型升级和职业教育发展的顶层设计来看,未来我国职业教育的学位形态应该从传统型向均衡型过渡。 Vocational education degree should be regarded as the proof of the production and application ability of technical knowledge, and its forms are significantly different in various countries. From the perspective of supply and demand, there are two key factors affecting the form of vocational education degree in a country: the development mode of vocational higher education and the demand characteristics of technical and skilled talents.Under the game of the two forces, the form of vocational education degree can be roughly divided into Dependent Type represented by UK, Traditional Type represented by the United States, Balanced Type represented by Switzerland and France, and Market Type represented by Japan and Germany. Since the development of China’s vocational undergraduate education is still in the primary stage, the form of China’s vocational education degree is mainly traditional at this stage. However, from the top-level design of China’s industrial transformation and upgrading and vocational education development, the form of China’s vocational education degree should transition from Traditional to Balanced in the future.
作者 李政 LI Zheng
出处 《职教通讯》 2022年第2期11-18,共8页 Communication of Vocational Education
基金 2020年度上海市浦江计划资助课题“美国大学技术学位体系研究”(项目编号:2020PJC033)。
关键词 职业教育学位 学位形态 供需关系 技术知识 vocational education degree degree form supply and demand relationship technical knowledge
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